Mini Movies
This fun and fast-paced Labor Day mini-movie reminds us that our attitude toward our job matters to God. The scripture teaches us that we are called to work with our whole hearts, as unto God.
When we focus too much on the screen and too little on what’s happening around us, we might miss out on some of life’s most beautiful moments.
The Lord's Prayer
Centerline New Media
In Matthew 6, Jesus taught us to pray in this way. This video can be used to begin your service, to kick off your time of worship, or as an introduction to your message.
That Night Part 2
Shift Worship
That Night Part 2 emphasizes that on this night, as well, only those who have heard and believed in Jesus will truly understand the peace of Christ this Christmas. Who will we tell?
That Night Part 1
Shift Worship
That Night Part 1 notes that only those who had heard and believed the message of the angels knew what was happening the night Jesus was born.
Emmanuel Christmas Worship
Hyper Pixels Media
With moving music and contemporary graphics, this Christmas mini-movie will create an atmosphere of worship at the beginning of your Christmas or Christmas Eve Service.
The Gift Of Christmas
Journey Box Media
What does it say about the character of God that He would give His only son for us? So often, we spend Christmas focused on what it is like to receive this gift, but in The Gift of Christmas...
Hope Is Born
Centerline New Media
Even in our darkest times, when it seems like God is silent, He is still working for our good. For out of the darkness of that silent night, Hope was born!
Welcome To Church Christmas
Centerline New Media
Welcome newcomers to your church this Christmas season with this fun and upbeat mini-movie. A creative way to make guests feel comfortable and communicate who you are as a church and what you believe.
Welcome To Church
Centerline New Media
Welcome newcomers to your church with this fun and upbeat mini-movie. A creative way to make guests feel comfortable and communicate who you are as a church and what you believe.
A reminder that the greatest commandment is love, this story of two unlikely friends from opposing sides of war encourages viewers to conquer their enemies with love.
With gorgeous late-fall images, this brief Thanksgiving worship starter asks, “Shouldn’t we wait and see what winter brings before offering our thanks to God?”
It's never been more possible to be of the world without really being in it. Maybe it's time to stop standing at the water's edge and hoping the chaos won't reach us. Maybe it's time to go.
Una Oración De Acción De Gracias
Centerline New Media
Con imágenes visuales de otoño, esta oración ofrece gracias a Dios por la vida y el aliento, la familia y los amigos, la belleza y el misterio de la creación y, en última instancia, a su Hijo Jesucristo. Perfecto como introducción o cierre de los servicios y eventos temáticos de otoño y acción de gracias.
It’s easy to become so focused on the “next step” in life that we miss out on the amazing life that is happening all around us.