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Description: Con imágenes visuales de otoño, esta oración ofrece gracias a Dios por la vida y el aliento, la familia y los amigos, la belleza y el misterio de la creación y, en última instancia, a su Hijo Jesucristo. Perfecto como introducción o cierre de los servicios y eventos temáticos de otoño y acción de gracias.
English Translation: This is the Spanish version of A Prayer of Thanksgiving. With Autumn themed visuals, this prayer offers thanks to God for life and breath, family and friends, the beauty and mystery of creation, and ultimately His Son Jesus Christ. Perfect as an intro or closing to your Fall and Thanksgiving themed services and events. Also available in English: A Prayer of Thanksgiving
English Translation: This is the Spanish version of A Prayer of Thanksgiving. With Autumn themed visuals, this prayer offers thanks to God for life and breath, family and friends, the beauty and mystery of creation, and ultimately His Son Jesus Christ. Perfect as an intro or closing to your Fall and Thanksgiving themed services and events. Also available in English: A Prayer of Thanksgiving
Una Oración De Acción De Gracias
Centerline New Media
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