It’s a new year. Some of us are excited, some dread the thought. Some will struggle to make this the best year ever, some will just try to survive. But what does God want for you this year?
La Verdadera Víspera De La Navidad muestra cómo la mayoría de nosotros puede relacionarse con la anticipación de un niño en la noche antes de Navidad, entusiasmado con los regalos de la mañana siguiente. En esta mini película, relacionamos ese mismo sentido de anticipación de maravillosos dones con las emociones que María debe haber sentido la noche antes de que naciera Jesús. El mundo entero esperaba el regalo de Su llegada, y de repente, Él estaba aquí. Perfecto para cualquier servicio de Navidad, especialmente Nochebuena
Are you looking for volunteers? Esspecially for greeters? Play this fun mini movie to try and get more volunteers for greeting! Play this mini-movie to promote involvement or to just say thanks to the many that have already served.
How many times must the gospel be shared before someone will believe? How many times should you pour another cup? Check out this video and think about those who need to hear the story of Jesus just one more time.
Why do I seem to just be hovering? I want to move with the Spirit. Spiritual transformation can be a frustrating path. There are so many theories on how it works. Some feel they have to try as hard as they can, while others say that it is completely up to God.
Do you search for God's hand or his heart? At times we can get caught up in the miraculous and spectacular that we look for those more than we look for God.
Part 2 of a powerful short film. So many times division in the church is based on preferences. We can easily destroy what God has created and be left with nothing more than a broken mess. But what if God can use even the brokenness we create?
Part 1 of a powerful short film. So many times division in the church is based on preferences. We can easily destroy what God has created and be left with nothing more than a broken mess. But what if God can use even the brokenness we create?
¿Qué le dirías a un amigo que te traicionó o te repudió? ¿Qué le harías a un hombre que te golpeó y se burló de ti? ¿Qué le dirías a la gente que te crucifica? Jesús nos mostró qué decir y qué hacer. Perfecto para el Viernes Santo y los servicios de Pascua o cualquier sermón sobre el perdón.
Las uñas no podían sostenerlo. La cruz no pudo terminarlo. La piedra no pudo retenerlo. La muerte no podría vencerlo. Use esta mini película como una poderosa introducción a su tiempo de adoración en el Domingo de Pascua.
God has always shown up in the most unlikely places. Jesus’ life was the greatest example of that. Perfect for Easter or any moment in your services that want to convey the impact of Jesus.