Mini Movies
An Opening Prayer
Centerline New Media
Welcome your congregation to church with this opening prayer of blessing. This worship intro asks God to move the spirits of all who are present, whether they are lost or believers, into their next steps in their walk with Jesus.
Invitar Navidad
Journey Box Media
La Navidad es uno de los momentos menos desafiantes para invitar a las personas a la iglesia. Use esta dulce y conmovedora mini película para alentar a su comunidad a invitar a sus amigos y compañeros de trabajo a la iglesia en Navidad.
Thankful People
Hyper Pixels Media
All of us have a tendency to take for granted the small things in life. We focus on the things we want instead of the incredible ways that God has blessed us.
Give Thanks
Centerline New Media
Now, always, and forever give thanks to Him. An upbeat mini-movie for your Thanksgiving and Fall services featuring scripture from Colossians 3:15-17.
Remembrance Day (We Thank You)
Centerline New Media
This mini-movie honors the men and women who have served in the Canadian Forces. Their sacrifices are highlighted by John 15:13. Great for Remembrance Day services.
Christ is Born. A young couple - she pregnant and struggling - near the end of their journey just in time as we hear that this story is just beginning. (Part 5 of 5)
The Angels. The young couple continues their journey as the darkness around them is pierced by light. We hear described the role of powerful angels, the first to tell the key details of the story of Christmas.
Bethlehem. A young couple makes their way to a modern day town as we hear described the role of Bethlehem in the story of
The Shepherds. The young couple encounters a couple of hard working guys at a bus stop as we hear described the role of the blue collar shepherds in receiving and spreading the story of Christ’s birth.
Expectation. We meet a young couple and wait with them while hearing that the Bible is full of stories, all ultimately pointing to a single promise:
Agradecido Ahora
Journey Box Media
No importa en qué etapa de la vida nos encontremos, siempre existe el peligro de perder toda la vida esperando lo que viene después.
Thankful Now
Journey Box Media
It doesn’t matter what stage of life we find ourselves in, there is always the danger of wasting your whole life waiting for what comes next. Then one day you wake up and realize you never really lived.
Who God Says You Are
Creative Sheep
Have you ever thought you were less than awesome? Do you ever think negative thoughts about yourself? This video helps us remember who God says we are.
Prayer. It's Easier Than You Think
Creative Sheep
Prayer isn’t supposed to be difficult. It’s not about praying the perfect prayer, talking loudly or where you pray. It’s about talking to your best friend. This video show just how simple prayer really is.
Veterans-Defenders Of Freedom
Hyper Pixels Media
Salute and honor the veterans in your congregation this Veterans Day.