Mini Movies
A Prayer For Thanksgiving
Steelehouse Media Group
To be truly grateful, one must not simply feel gratitude but actually express it. Set against the backdrop of a fall setting and uplifting acoustic music score...
Welcome To Church
Centerline New Media
Welcome newcomers to your church with this fun and upbeat mini-movie. A creative way to make guests feel comfortable and communicate who you are as a church and what you believe.
A reminder that the greatest commandment is love, this story of two unlikely friends from opposing sides of war encourages viewers to conquer their enemies with love.
The Lord's Prayer
Centerline New Media
In Matthew 6, Jesus taught us to pray in this way. This video can be used to begin your service, to kick off your time of worship, or as an introduction to your message.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A modern musical and visual take on the traditional hymn of praise.
This mini-movie is filled with illustrations of the Old Testament heroes of the faith, this brief mini movies emphasizes the big idea that God still tells his story through those who live by faith.
This fun and fast-paced Labor Day mini-movie reminds us that our attitude toward our job matters to God. The scripture teaches us that we are called to work with our whole hearts, as unto God.
When we focus too much on the screen and too little on what’s happening around us, we might miss out on some of life’s most beautiful moments.
This quick sermon starter on how we use our words asks us to stop and take Ephesians 4:29 seriously.
It's Superbowl sunday and you need a powerful video to share the story of Jesus?
God Loves You
Centerline New Media
God loves you despite your past. God loves you wherever you go. God loves you right where you are. Great as intro to worship or to setup a sermon on God’s love.
This Love
Centerline New Media
In this world we have distorted the meaning of love. This reflective mini-movie compares the world’s version of “love” to the perfect, immeasurable, everlasting love of God.
"My heart was a rock." Using only construction paper and stop-motion animation, this simple video tells the story of a heart transformed from stone into one that beats for God and those he loves.
Romanos 8 ofrece un gran estímulo para aquellos de nosotros en Cristo. Este simple video, lo sé, nos recuerda que no importa lo que nuestros sentimientos nos digan en el momento, podemos estar convencidos de nuestro lugar con Él y su amor por nosotros.
Este sencillo iniciador de adoración se hace eco de la llamada del Salmo 95 para alabar en voz alta y gozosa a la Roca de nuestra salvación, el Rey sobre todos los dioses, mientras nos preparamos para postrarnos en adoración ante nuestro Hacedor. Salmos 95 es la versión en español de Psalm 95.