Where would you be without the hope of Easter? All of us know people who have not yet experienced this redemption and hope. We all know people who need to hear about Jesus this Easter. Jesus' death and resurrection was for them. But, how will they hear if no one goes? This Easter, encourage your church to invite friends and family to come hear the Good News. Easter is resurrection, redemption, and hope. Please share it. Help your church re-focus on outreach and evangelism with this Easter Invite mini-movie.
Designed for an Easter service, this video features a haunting and then triumphant version of “Were You There” by Aaron Strumpel. Detailed black-and-white sketches give way to an unexpected explosion of color at as the sun rises on Resurrection Sunday.
Designed for a Good Friday service, this video features a haunting version of “Were You There” by Aaron Strumpel. Detailed black-and-white sketches capture Jesus' journey to the cross.
In His life, His death, and His resurrection, Jesus’ mission was accomplished. He lived the perfect example, He died to wash clean our sins, He rose to show that sin and death had been replaced by forgiveness and life. With bright, clean, colorful visuals and inspiring music, this movie works well as an Easter worship intro and coordinates with An Invitation (Easter).
Invite your congregation into a time of worship with this opening bumper. Featuring a stunning watercolor background depicting a sunset with inspirational words animating into the foreground.
Using colorful and vibrant motion graphics, along with upbeat music, this worship intro will help prepare your church to worship in spirit and truth. The Lord is worthy of all praise. He is our Creator and Sustainer, the Beginning and the End, the only wise God. He heals us, loves us, and saves us. He is worthy of our worship. With joy, we enter the House of the Lord. Use this service opener to redirect your church's attention to our Lord, who is worthy of all praise. Together, we come to worship.
Now that Easter has passed, our part in the work of Easter begins. Jesus gave us the perfect example of how we are to live our lives. Inspire your congregation to go into the world, share the good news, and reflect Jesus to those in need. Great for the Sunday after Easter.
Featuring upbeat music and exciting visuals, this Palm Sunday worship intro is the perfect start to your Sunday service. Slow motion bursts of brilliant colors compliment bold text that describes the excitement of welcoming our King on Palm Sunday. Coordinate your entire service by also using the Color Burst Service Pack: over 70 pieces of media that compliment perfectly with the mini movie.
Featuring upbeat music and exciting visuals, this Easter worship intro is the perfect start to your Sunday service. Slow motion bursts of brilliant colors compliment bold text describing what the Resurrection really means for us. Coordinate your entire service by also using the Color Burst Service Pack: over 70 pieces of media that compliment perfectly with the mini movie.
Featuring upbeat music and exciting visuals, this Easter worship intro is the perfect start to your Sunday service. Slow motion bursts of brilliant colors compliment bold text describing what the Resurrection really means for us.
As a willing sacrifice, Jesus endured great suffering on Good Friday, to pay the penalty for our transgressions. Thru powerful music and visuals, this mini-movie prepares your congregation for Good Friday and the heart-wrenching events that took place on that day.
The truth is, most of us really aren't that great at sharing our faith and many of us have never even invited an unchurched person to church. But this Christmas we can change those stats. Use this mini-movie to encourage your congregation to invite people to church this Christmas.
Christmas is all about hope. In a world that often seems hopeless, God sent His Son Jesus to bring Hope to those who’ve lost all hope! This motion graphic piece conveys the message of hope for all, and would work well as a service opener video or as an intro to the message.
God gives us comfort in our troubles, comfort so we can comfort others, so praise be to God. Based on 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, this colorful worship intro is perfect for any service.