This Easter Worship Intro is a powerful way to start your Easter or Sunrise Services. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, and at the same time makes a clear presentation of the gospel. As spiritual seekers attend your services on Easter, this video strives to help them understand the reason for Jesus’ death and resurrection. Use this Easter mini-movie as a worship intro in your Sunday morning Easter Services, as you celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Love is what the world seeks in all the wrong places. But, true love is an action, not a feeling. It's found in sacrifice, not selfishness. It is patient, not demanding. Doesn't hurt others, but casts out fear. Real love was born in a stable and seen at the cross. True love carries us through the highs and the lows. True love is Jesus.
Combining several favorite scriptures about love (1 John 4:16, John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 13, 1 John 4:11), this fresh mini-movie features voices and languages from across the world. It reminds us that God’s love is for the whole world, not just the part of it that we see. Perfect for a message about Valentine’s Day, Love, Salvation, Community
Though my enemies are many You will protect me. You are my deliverer. Based on Psalm 3, this mini-movie is set to colorful, modern visuals and energetic music, making this a perfect intro for a time of worship.
We’ve updated one of our most popular mini-movies ever!
Of all the profound events that marked the life of Christ, He only commanded us to remember one: His death. Why? This powerfully dramatic video provides a philosophical and Scriptural perspective to that question, one that will leave a memorable and emotional impact on your Easter service.
Because the stone rolled away, we have been redeemed. Because the tomb was empty, we have been made new. Because He is risen, we call Heaven our home. Use this powerful mini-movie to celebrate the powerful resurrection of Jesus!
America is hurting from virus, death, hardship, and loss. Our nation is fighting for justice and equality. Our nation is breaking from division and anger. But, God is still God and He can bring healing to our land. He can bring unity and reconciliation to America.
Use this powerful video to honor frontline workers, who have sacrificed so much during the coronavirus pandemic. Let us show appreciation to those who carried on, when the world stayed home. These essential workers kept going for the good of others, through great uncertainty. They reported for duty when they were needed the most, through exhaustion, sweat, and tears. Thank you to our everyday heroes on the frontline.
On Memorial Day, we honor those who gave all, putting aside self and leaving loved ones behind. They were willing to give everything, because freedom is worth fighting for. A nation "under God" is worth sacrifice. So, on this Memorial Day, we mourn with the families of the fallen. On this Memorial Day, we remember the courage given, so we could enjoy freedom. Use this powerful video on Memorial Day during your sermon, or during a special time set aside during the service, to honor our fallen heroes.
We’ve updated one of our most popular mini-movies ever!
It's easy to be distracted by all of the different messages about Christmas that bombard us during the holiday season. Citing quotes from writers, philosophers and Scripture, this video will inspire your church to remember that the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ, is the true reason we celebrate Christmas.
We’ve updated one of our most popular mini-movies ever!
Love between a man and a woman is a special gift, is revealed in so many ways, and is the foundation of God’s first institution – the family. With quotes from philosophers, poets and Scripture, this video will inspire the spirit of true love…and renew it.