Over 2000 years ago a light was given to us, but it was not meant only for us. It was a gift to be shared with the world. Using scripture from John 8:12 and Isaiah 9:2, this mini-movie is designed specifically for your Christmas Eve service.
The start of a new year can be an exciting time, as we think about all the amazing plans that God has in store for His people. Use this new year’s mini-movie to encourage your church to renew their commitment to Christ and His plans. The upbeat song featured in this new years video is titled “This Is My Year” and is performed by Tim McMorris.
America’s founding fathers envisioned a new nation that would become the land of the free and the home of the brave. On July 4th (Independence Day), we celebrate that freedom with fireworks, picnics, and baseball games. But, this video reminds us that true freedom comes from God, and that all of America’s blessings come from God. Let’s celebrate America, on July 4th, because “God shed His grace on thee”.
Using beautiful images of nature and a lovely score, this mini movie simply unspools the Apostles' Creed in a way that allows for reflection and worship.
NOTE: An alternate version of this mini movie is available. It uses slightly different language than this one, replacing "to hell" with "to the dead" and "holy catholic church" with "holy Christian church."
You can read every book and take every class, but nothing prepares you for motherhood like the school of life. From the joy of teaching children how to walk with Jesus to the stress of teaching a teenager to drive, every mom can look back and think of things she wishes she’d known. Your purchase also includes a version without “Happy Mother’s Day” at the end.
The National Day of Prayer Task Force has developed the “Pray For Election Day” campaign to encourage prayer for our nations leaders, boost voter registration, and to inspire Christians to vote their values. Find out more about this campaign at www.nationaldayofprayer.org.
After Easter, Jesus continued to minister on this planet for another 40 days before He ascended into Heaven. During that time, he opened the disciple’s eyes. He opened their minds to understand scripture. And, most importantly, after Easter he gave His church the Great Commission.
With powerful music and graphics, this intense Easter worship intro illustrates Jesus’ suffering of the cross and His death on Good Friday. But, that’s not the end of the story. The climax of the video exclaims the amazing resurrection of Christ.
Because of what Jesus did on the cross, He overcame darkness once and for all and brought death to death. This encouraging motion graphics piece celebrates what Jesus did and what it means for us today.