This mini-movie explores the reasons for giving, fasting, and praying during the season of Lent. It can be used to explain to your congregation and visitors the reasons for observing these customs leading up to Easter. Great for Ash Wednesday or any service during the Lent season.
Lent is a time of prayer, repentance, giving, and self-denial. As Jesus spent 40 days in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11), where He endured temptation by the devil, we follow his example during the season of lent where we deny self, pray, and focus on God.
This prayer of repentance—appropriate for Ash Wednesday, Lent or any season—acknowledges our guilt in seeking good apart from God and His grace in granting forgiveness in Christ and offering all-sufficient joy in Himself.
We all know that God loves us, right? Well, even though this is great theology, we sometimes doubt what the Bible teaches. We consider the sin that we've committed and wonder if we are good enough for God to love. This fun and uplifting Valentine's Day mini-movie shares powerful passages from God's Word.
Based on Matthew 22:34-39 and John 13:34-35, this mini-movie explores the meaning of a new commandment that Jesus gave his disciples, a commandment to love as Jesus loved.
Christmas Eve is our last night of separation. Our last night alone. For tomorrow, we would witness the birth of Glory. Tomorrow, God would be with us. Based on the scriptures John 1:1, John 1:9, and John 1:14.
In Matthew 6, Jesus taught us to pray in this way. This video can be used to begin your service, to kick off your time of worship, or as an introduction to your message.
Why have we gathered to praise Him? What makes our God so great? This brief call-to-worship mini movie provides answers to those questions from Psalm 146, making it a great lead-in to a time of praise and worship.
This mini-movie is a great way to kick-off your worship experience! It uses scripture to proclaim the wondrous power of God and encourages your congregation to join in praise and worship.
This mini movie starter pictures the angels as a star field of light and asks us to hear their words to the shepherds anew and praise the God who sent the Savior here.