On Palm Sunday, Jesus entered into Jerusalem as a King with crowds shouting praises to Him saying, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” Encourage your church to also praise Jesus as King this Palm Sunday. Encourage them to sing out, “Hosanna in the Highest” and “Hosanna to the King of Kings!” This mini-movie will help prepare the hearts of your church for worship on Palm Sunday.
Lord prepare our hearts, as we enter this season of Lent. A prayer asking God to help us reflect on our lives, repent for wrong choices, and replace the things that come between us and our relationship with Him.
Después de Su resurrección, Jesús les dio a los discípulos la Gran Comisión. Les aseguró su poder, les prometió su presencia sin fin, y los instó a aceptar el llamado para ir al mundo y hacer nuevos discípulos. Basado en Mateo 28: 18-20, esta mini película es genial para el domingo después de Pascua.
After His resurrection, Jesus gave the disciples the Great Commission. He assured them of His power, promised them His unending presence, and urged them to accept the call to go into the world and make new disciples. Based on Matthew 28:18-20, this mini-movie is great for the Sunday after Easter.
Jesus’ resurrection was not the end of his ministry. He continued to meet with and teach His disciples. And, more importantly, he gave the church its mission (the Great Commission). On the Sunday after easter, remind your church of the power that we have been given because of Jesus’ resurrection.
Welcome newcomers to your church this Easter with this fun and upbeat mini-movie. A creative way to make guests feel comfortable and communicate who you are as a church and what you believe.
Beginning with Jesus’ prediction of His crucifixion and continuing through His thoughts on the cross, His death, burial and resurrection, this Easter mini-movie takes the viewer on an emotional journey from Good Friday to Easter.
With powerful music and contemporary graphics, this mini-movie tells the story of Good Friday. We are moved to worship, as we remember that Jesus endured incredible suffering and death on the cross as the punishment for our sin. This video will make a great opening or worship intro for your Good Friday Services or for a message on the passion (or sufferings) of Christ.
On Palm Sunday, the multitude anticipated His arrival. They cut down palm branches and placed them on His path. They cried out, “Hosanna in the highest!” This Palm Sunday, encourage your congregation to sing to him “Hosanna” and cry to him “Blessed is He!” Use this contemporary worship intro video to prepare your church for worship on Palm Sunday.
As Jesus approached Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, He wept over the city and the people gathered there. He knew that disaster awaited them because they did not recognize Him for who He truly was. Taken from Luke 19:41-44 and told from Jesus’ point of view.
Jesus did more than die on the cross for your sins. He also rose from the dead! Because of this, it changes the way we live. This motion video is great as an opener or as an element in your Easter service.
A deeply moving Easter video. Jesus was not the king his people were looking for. Through the lens of the Triumphal Entry, The Cross, and the Garden, “Return of the King” is a powerful proclamation of the power of the resurrection. Long live the king!