Mini Movies
Palm Sunday Is Here
Centerline New Media
Featuring upbeat music and exciting visuals, this Palm Sunday worship intro is the perfect start to your Sunday service. Slow motion bursts of brilliant colors compliment bold text that describes the excitement of welcoming our King on Palm Sunday. Coordinate your entire service by also using the Color Burst Service Pack: over 70 pieces of media that compliment perfectly with the mini movie.
Es Pascua, Celebremos
Centerline New Media
Con música movida y visuales llamativos, este video de Pascua es perfecto para comenzar el Servicio de Resurrección.
Comienza lentamente e irrumpe en colores brillantes con texto en negrillas describiendo lo que la Resurrección implica para nosotros.
Easter Is Here Uk
Centerline New Media
Featuring upbeat music and exciting visuals, this Easter worship intro is the perfect start to your Sunday service. Slow motion bursts of brilliant colors compliment bold text describing what the Resurrection really means for us. Coordinate your entire service by also using the Color Burst Service Pack: over 70 pieces of media that compliment perfectly with the mini movie.
Just Getting Started
Journey Box Media
Jesus was revolutionary in his time. He was also dangerous to the those in power. It seemed as though his death would be the end of him... but he was just getting started. Perfect for Easter.
Easter Is Here
Centerline New Media
Featuring upbeat music and exciting visuals, this Easter worship intro is the perfect start to your Sunday service. Slow motion bursts of brilliant colors compliment bold text describing what the Resurrection really means for us.
Good Friday - It Is Finished
Hyper Pixels Media
As a willing sacrifice, Jesus endured great suffering on Good Friday, to pay the penalty for our transgressions. Thru powerful music and visuals, this mini-movie prepares your congregation for Good Friday and the heart-wrenching events that took place on that day.
Getting Christmas Right
Journey Box Media
What would it take for us to get Christmas right this year? Maybe we would be able to focus more on Jesus if we got rid of everything else... or could we somehow learn to see Jesus in all of the ways that we celebrate the Christmas season?