The truth of the Gospel is that God loves you unconditionally! Unfortunately, we try to complicate things by trying to earn what we can never actually earn. This motion graphic piece beautifully illustrates the simplicity of the Gospel and points people to the love of Jesus.
Designed for an Easter service, this video features a haunting and then triumphant version of “Were You There” by Aaron Strumpel. Detailed black-and-white sketches give way to an unexpected explosion of color at as the sun rises on Resurrection Sunday.
Designed for a Good Friday service, this video features a haunting version of “Were You There” by Aaron Strumpel. Detailed black-and-white sketches capture Jesus' journey to the cross.
In His life, His death, and His resurrection, Jesus’ mission was accomplished. He lived the perfect example, He died to wash clean our sins, He rose to show that sin and death had been replaced by forgiveness and life. With bright, clean, colorful visuals and inspiring music, this movie works well as an Easter worship intro and coordinates with An Invitation (Easter).
So many of us walk into a worship service completely distracted by the things that life throws our way. It’s imperative that we remind our people “why” we are at church and we remove the focus from ourselves and turn our full attention toward God. The music and message of this worship intro will help prepare your church to worship in spirit and in truth. Encourage your congregation to Worship Him!
Independence Day is the perfect time to lift our nation in prayer. 2 Chronicles 7:14 commands God's people to humble themselves, pray, seek God's face, and turn from their sin. God's promise, when these things happen, is that He will heal our land. Healing, unity, hope, and revival can only come to America through His power!
This mini-movie features beautiful imagery to complement Psalm 36. Use this media as a worship intro or a sermon intro on the Psalms, creation, or God's power. Included in the download is a file without the Scripture and only the imagery. This mini-movie is a part of a larger collection to correlate with Psalm 36.
Use this Worship Intro during the Christmas season to encourage your church to worship Him in spirit and in truth. He is our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Give Him praise this Christmas! Download also includes a version with the UK spelling for “saviour” and “counsellor”.
What is your church all about? What is the vision and core beliefs of your church? Do visitors know what your church is about? This “Welcome To Church” Mini-Movie will remind your members that it’s all about Jesus. And, it will make visitors feel welcome to your church and inform them about your core beliefs. This service opener and welcome video will also prepare your congregation for worship, as they recall that it’s all about Jesus!
Due to popular demand, we've created a year-round version of our best-selling New Year's video! This encouraging service opener reminds us that, no matter how things have gone so far, God always has new mercies and fresh starts. Great for seasons of new beginnings, such as back to school! Also includes a version without text at the end.
Prepare your congregation for worship with this powerful worship intro mini-movie, which quotes select passages from Psalm 34. Your church will be ready for worship after being encouraged by uplifting scripture and seeing amazing time-lapse footage of God’s creation. Add this incredible worship intro video to your church media library today. Taste and see that the Lord is good!