Almighty God, work in us and through us. This year. Every year. Forever. Use this mini-movie as a call to worship or service starter for any New Year’s themed church service, event, or celebration.
The new year is a time to look back and a time to look ahead. A time to thank God for His blessings and a time to consider what we need to change. Many resolve to exercise more, eat healthier, or read the Bible more. We just need to try harder, right? But, God says to seek Him first. He teaches us that His grace is sufficient. With upbeat music, and 3D graphics, this New Year's video will encourage your church to do their best, and trust God to do the rest.
At Christmas, we celebrate the greatest miracle of all. The miracle of God coming to us as a tiny baby, yet a King. Immanuel, God with us, yet an infant. The one who spoke everything into existence laid in a lowly manger. This powerful video uses a stirring rendition of Carol of the Bells and 3d animations to tell the Christmas story. The Good News that is for all people, that the Messiah has come. He is Savior of the world.
Use this mini-movie to tell all the amazing moms “Thank you” this Mother’s Day. With beautiful imagery and inspiring music, this mini-movie is a great way to start your Mother’s Day worship service.
Mothers are a wonderful gift, given by God to care for you, provide for you, and teach you. She is yours. She is there to love you thru the ups and downs, guiding and praying. A forever friend that is always cheering you on. This Mother's Day, celebrate and honor the mothers in your church with this inspiring mini-movie. It's design combines beautiful pastel watercolor elements, ink-drop effects, and 3d camera moves. Celebrate their endless sacrifice and their unconditional love. Let's do our part to make sure she has a happy Mother's Day.
Jesus is alive! His promises are fulfilled, and the story is complete! Right? Actually, it's not. Easter was just the beginning, and now it's our turn. Great for the Sunday after Easter.
Blast to the past and encourage the Dads in your church with this far out flick from the 70's. This fun and outta sight mini-movie will will make sure that they have a groovy Father's Day. Dads may not be great at asking for directions, but they do a wonderful job of teaching us right from wrong. This Father's Day, honor the men in your church and inspire them to stay groovy.
In Acts 2, we read the incredible account of the day of Pentecost, when the disciples and other believers were filled with the Holy Spirit. In this story, we see tongues of fire resting on the disciples. We see Peter preaching to the crowd and reading prophecy from the book of Joel. And, we see three thousand accepting his message and being baptized. But, just as amazing, is the fact that God is still pouring out His Spirit on His people today! He comforts us, guides us, and empowers us to share the Good News.
How often do we consider the implications of what we believe about the very first Christmas? God’s original Christmas gift to us was immeasurably more than anything we could ever imagine. When you really stop to think about it, no miracle we seek is beyond hope.
We once walked in despair and defeat, but through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we can walk in hope, knowing that God’s light has overcome the darkness. High-energy and dramatic, this one is perfect for Easter! (The phrasing in this video helps it to pair perfectly with Phil Wickham’s “This is the Day”- a great way to begin your service.)
Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life." Yet, He was abandoned and condemned. The Way led to Golgotha. The Truth was nailed to a cross. The Life was buried in a tomb. But on the third day God raised Him from the dead. We can celebrate, this Easter Sunday, because the tomb is empty. He is Risen! This powerful easter mini-movie uses dramatic music and 3D renditions of the most inspiring Christian art in history to celebrate Jesus' resurrection. He has set us free. He lives!
Using dramatic images of a lava flow, the text of Psalm 139 urges the viewer to contemplate the brevity of life and our responsibility to our holy God.
"God loves you." This mini-movie pushes past the cliches that simple phrase brings to mind for so many people and insists that God does love us and that it matters.