Mini Movies
A beautiful Christmas movie that celebrates the birth of Jesus. The darkness has been defeated, the light has come!
Still The Light Of The World
Hyper Pixels Media
Two thousand years ago, a baby was born… a light to the world… the promised Messiah. This Christmas, though these dark times are very similar, we can still rejoice in celebrating the same Christ-child. Jesus is still enough to bring us hope, faith, joy and peace. This Christmas mini-movie is a fantastic addition to your church gathering or teaching on the Nativity.
An upbeat, energetic worship intro listing many of the names and attributes of God.
Lent Return To Me
Centerline New Media
The Lord declares, “Return to me, with all your heart.” Based on Joel 2:12-17, this mini-movie is great for your Lent and Ash Wednesday services, or any sermons on the topics of renewal and repentance.
A beautiful mini-movie about repentance. A perfect match for the Misty Lent collection and great for an Ash Wednesday streaming service.
With vibrant visuals and inspiring music, this mini-movie is based on 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Perfect for Valentine’s Day or any love-themed service or event.
Everyday Love
Hyper Pixels Media
Love is a practical thing. We can use it anywhere, any day. And 1 Corinthians 13 is one of the best examples we have of all the ways we can choose to love others. Jesus is our example of what love should be. And, because God loves us, we can love our friends and neighbors. Use this uplifting mini-movie before Valentine’s Day or anytime you are preaching on the topic of “love”.
Wasted Hours Confession
Shift Worship
Father, we recognize all the wasted hours we have spent chasing worthless wisdom. Yet You are still here to hear our confession. Your pour out Your grace and mercy and guide us to a better way. Hear our prayer... Help us trust in You and You alone, that you will provide us everything we need.
Remember You Are Dust
Shift Worship
Remember you are dust and to dust you will return. This short video for Lent and Ash Wednesday is perfect as a sermon bumper, intro or connector.
Using dramatic images of a lava flow, the text of Psalm 139 urges the viewer to contemplate the brevity of life and our responsibility to our holy God.
From Dust We Came
Hyper Pixels Media
This mini-movie reflects on the season of Lent through theme of dust; from dust we came and to dust we shall return. Gritty and smoky textures mixed with vivid lenten purple elements make this mini-movie visually pleasing for any church setting. Use this mini-movie during the season of Lent to prepare the hearts of God's people to honor Jesus' death and celebrate His resurrection.
Christ The Lord
Centerline New Media
Come, let us adore Him, Jesus Christ, the Lord! This energetic worship intro is based on the familiar Christmas hymn, O Come All Ye Faithful. Perfect for any Christmas or Christmas Eve service or event.
Good Friday (Isaiah 53)
Centerline New Media
He took our pain. He bore our suffering. His punishment brought us peace. Using scripture from Isaiah 53, this mini-movie is perfect for any Good Friday service.
Palm Sunday: Creation Cries Hosanna
Hyper Pixels Media
The Pharisees were angry and told Jesus, “Quiet your people down.” Jesus replied, “If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” This Palm Sunday, encourage your congregation to cry out with creation to Hosanna! Encourage your congregation to worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Prepare your people to worship Jesus in spirit and in truth with this Palm Sunday Mini Movie!
Same God, New Year
Centerline New Media
2020 was tough. What can we expect from 2021? Use this mini-movie to encourage your congregation that no matter what the new year brings, God is still in control, and His promises are still true. Great for your New Year’s service or event. Based on Hebrews 10:23 and Hebrews 13:8.