Loosely inspired by a sermon by John Donne (1572-1638), this illustrated, spoken-word mini movie will remind your congregation that God’s mercy is always available for those who trust in Christ.
This gorgeous mini movie glows with radiant color and energy. Use it with your congregation to explain what Pentecost is from Acts 2 and to celebrate the birth of the church.
This Memorial Day, let us pause to remember the love, honor, and sacrifice given for us by so many soldiers. These brave men and women left family and home and laid down their lives for our safety, freedom, and future. Use this powerful video in your church services to remember and honor their great sacrifice.
He took our pain. He bore our suffering. His punishment brought us peace. Using scripture from Isaiah 53, this mini-movie is perfect for any Good Friday service.
A prayer of thanks to God for all our wonderful moms! Use this Mother’s Day mini-movie to ask God to bless the mothers in your congregation for everything they do. Happy Mother’s Day!
This powerful Easter mini-movie will create a worshipful atmosphere for the beginning of your Easter Worship Service or leading into an Easter Sermon. With a cinematic music score and contemporary illustrations, this Easter video tells the story of Jesus’ ministry, his sufferings on Good Friday, and his powerful resurrection on Easter Sunday.
The Pharisees were angry and told Jesus, “Quiet your people down.” Jesus replied, “If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” This Palm Sunday, encourage your congregation to cry out with creation to Hosanna! Encourage your congregation to worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Prepare your people to worship Jesus in spirit and in truth with this Palm Sunday Mini Movie!
Listen as leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Dorothy Heights, John Lewis, Fredrick Reese, Ralph Abernathy, Septima Clark, Dorothy Cotton join with that great cloud of witnesses to inspire your congregation to let God use them.