Acknowledging the beauty of rest as the sun rises in the background, this brief mini movie reminds us that rest must have its end, that the church is a body made to move. Let us rise up now and go.
This mini-movie explores the reasons for giving, fasting, and praying during the season of Lent. It can be used to explain to your congregation and visitors the reasons for observing these customs leading up to Easter. Great for Ash Wednesday or any service during the Lent season.
Lent is a time of prayer, repentance, giving, and self-denial. As Jesus spent 40 days in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11), where He endured temptation by the devil, we follow his example during the season of lent where we deny self, pray, and focus on God.
This prayer of repentance—appropriate for Ash Wednesday, Lent or any season—acknowledges our guilt in seeking good apart from God and His grace in granting forgiveness in Christ and offering all-sufficient joy in Himself.
We all know that God loves us, right? Well, even though this is great theology, we sometimes doubt what the Bible teaches. We consider the sin that we've committed and wonder if we are good enough for God to love. This fun and uplifting Valentine's Day mini-movie shares powerful passages from God's Word.
Often, we talk about all of the things that we LOVE, when truly, what we mean is that we really LIKE them. Love What Matters is an encouragement to be mindful of the casual way that we tend to use our words, as well as a reminder to express our love to the people who mean the most in our lives.
As Jesus spent 40 days in the desert praying and fasting, let us follow his lead during the season of Lent with self-denial, repentance, giving, and renewal. This video uses powerful images and music to remind your congregation of God’s love and sacrifice, which should encourage each of us to deny self and make God first place in our lives. Prepare your congregation for the celebration and sacrifice of Lent.
Over 2000 years ago a light was given to us, but it was not meant only for us. It was a gift to be shared with the world. Using scripture from John 8:12 and Isaiah 9:2, this mini-movie is designed specifically for your Christmas Eve service.
The funny and cute responses of these children open the door for you to discuss what the Bible really says about love and marriage. This video works great when you are preaching on the topics of love and marriage, or for a sermon around Valentine's Day.
The Miracle of Life shows us how amazing and wonderful the gift of Life is that God has blessed us with. Through incredible ultrasound video and photos we can actually see this miracle as we watch a baby develop in the womb. This video will make a great sermon illustration when you are preaching on the topics of abortion and sanctity of life.
Crayon drawings animate real-life responses from boys and girls as they talk about Christmas. Cute, emotional and meaningful, these innocent, heartfelt responses will bring joy to your congregation this Christmas season.
2,000 years ago Jesus Christ stood before a group of religious leaders and said, "Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days." (John 2:19) At the time, no one fully understood what He meant, but we do now. Stand before the Tomb and witness the event that changed the world forever.