Mothers have the hardest job on the planet, but seldom receive the recognition that they so dearly deserve. This Mother’s Day, let the Moms in your congregation know just how much you appreciate them by showing this heart touching mini-movie. Mothers will easily relate to this inspirational and encouraging message. Celebrate and thank the Moms in your church this Mother’s Day.
There's nothing like becoming a parent to give you perspective and appreciation for all of your mom's sacrifices through the years. "I'm Sorry, Mom" is a comical, yet heartfelt, apology and expression of gratitude that's perfect for Mother's Day.
Using emotional music and graphics similar to those found in children's story books, this video presents a powerful message about the Sanctity of Life.
Jesus did more than die on the cross for your sins. He also rose from the dead! Because of this, it changes the way we live. This motion video is great as an opener or as an element in your Easter service.
A deeply moving Easter video. Jesus was not the king his people were looking for. Through the lens of the Triumphal Entry, The Cross, and the Garden, “Return of the King” is a powerful proclamation of the power of the resurrection. Long live the king!
How would you live if you knew you would rise? This Easter mini movie answers that question by showing us how Jesus lived during the week leading up to His death and resurrection. How will we live today?
his powerful Easter Worship Intro will create a celebratory and worshipful atmosphere for the beginning of your Easter Worship Service. With a cinematic music score and contemporary illustrations, this Easter video tells the story of Jesus’ ministry, his sufferings on Good Friday and his powerful resurrection on Easter Sunday.
That Night Part 2 emphasizes that on this night, as well, only those who have heard and believed in Jesus will truly understand the peace of Christ this Christmas. Who will we tell?
With moving music and contemporary graphics, this Christmas mini-movie will create an atmosphere of worship at the beginning of your Christmas or Christmas Eve Service.
Even in our darkest times, when it seems like God is silent, He is still working for our good. For out of the darkness of that silent night, Hope was born!
Welcome newcomers to your church this Christmas season with this fun and upbeat mini-movie. A creative way to make guests feel comfortable and communicate who you are as a church and what you believe.
On Palm Sunday, the multitude anticipated His arrival. They cut down palm branches and placed them on His path. They cried out, “Hosanna in the highest!” This Palm Sunday, encourage your congregation to sing to him “Hosanna” and cry to him “Blessed is He!” Use this contemporary worship intro video to prepare your church for worship on Palm Sunday.
As Jesus approached Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, He wept over the city and the people gathered there. He knew that disaster awaited them because they did not recognize Him for who He truly was. Taken from Luke 19:41-44 and told from Jesus’ point of view.