Mini Movies
Hosanna In The Highest
Hyper Pixels Media
On Palm Sunday, the multitude anticipated His arrival. They cut down palm branches and placed them on His path. They cried out, “Hosanna in the highest!” This Palm Sunday, encourage your congregation to sing to him “Hosanna” and cry to him “Blessed is He!” Use this contemporary worship intro video to prepare your church for worship on Palm Sunday.
Palm Sunday God With You
Centerline New Media
As Jesus approached Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, He wept over the city and the people gathered there. He knew that disaster awaited them because they did not recognize Him for who He truly was. Taken from Luke 19:41-44 and told from Jesus’ point of view.
Because He Rose
Creative Sheep
Jesus did more than die on the cross for your sins. He also rose from the dead! Because of this, it changes the way we live. This motion video is great as an opener or as an element in your Easter service.
Return Of The King
Journey Box Media
A deeply moving Easter video. Jesus was not the king his people were looking for. Through the lens of the Triumphal Entry, The Cross, and the Garden, “Return of the King” is a powerful proclamation of the power of the resurrection. Long live the king!
How would you live if you knew you would rise? This Easter mini movie answers that question by showing us how Jesus lived during the week leading up to His death and resurrection. How will we live today?
his powerful Easter Worship Intro will create a celebratory and worshipful atmosphere for the beginning of your Easter Worship Service. With a cinematic music score and contemporary illustrations, this Easter video tells the story of Jesus’ ministry, his sufferings on Good Friday and his powerful resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Hosanna, We Welcome You!
Centerline New Media
Use this mini-movie as an energetic and upbeat introduction to your time of worship on Palm Sunday.
God Of The New Year
Journey Box Media
Celebrate where God has taken your congregation this year while honoring the tough moments God’s taken us through.
The Light (Christmas Eve)
Centerline New Media
Over 2000 years ago a light was given to us, but it was not meant only for us. It was a gift to be shared with the world. Using scripture from John 8:12 and Isaiah 9:2, this mini-movie is designed specifically for your Christmas Eve service.
The start of a new year can be an exciting time, as we think about all the amazing plans that God has in store for His people. Use this new year’s mini-movie to encourage your church to renew their commitment to Christ and His plans. The upbeat song featured in this new years video is titled “This Is My Year” and is performed by Tim McMorris.
Worship The King Christmas Eve
Centerline New Media
Let us join with Mary & Joseph, the angels, the shepherds, and the wise men to celebrate, proclaim, and worship Jesus. Great for Christmas Eve.
Nacerá sin celebración alguna, en el lugar más humilde imaginado; sin embargo nacerá para cambiar el mundo para siempre. Celebra el nacimiento de Jesús en tus servicios de Navidad o Noche Buena con una chispa diferente. Basado en Lucas 1:32 y Lucas 2:11, este mini-movie es perfecto para comenzar un tiempo de adoración o una ilustración para el sermón de tus servicios de Diciembre.
This motion graphic video is designed to tackle the idea of overcoming the shame of sin. In this piece we take a look at the ugly side of sin, how to view yourself as God sees you, and realize that no matter what you’ve done, you can be clean.
Born with no fanfare, in the humblest of settings; and yet born to change the world forever. Celebrate the birth of Jesus with this service starter for your Christmas or Christmas Eve gatherings. Using scripture from Luke 1:31 and Luke 2:11, this mini-movie works great as a worship intro or sermon illustration for your December services.
Three children in dire circumstances prepare for an honored guest. Set to the text of Isaiah 9, this mini movie encourages us to wonder anew at the strange and beautiful arrival of our Savior. A good fit for any Christmas service, especially Christmas Eve.