As adults, it’s very easy to take ourselves too seriously. “Joy Ride” connects us with the joy of our youth. We are reminded that God gives us the chance for joy everyday, we just have to engage it.
Welcome your congregation to church with this opening prayer of blessing. This worship intro asks God to move the spirits of all who are present, whether they are lost or believers, into their next steps in their walk with Jesus.
We can all get so busy and self-absorbed, that we overlook the hurting people all around us who need to be introduced to Jesus. Easter is a very special time, when the unchurched are open to accepting an invite to visit your church. Use this powerful video to remind your congregation about the need to invite their family, friends, and neighbors to your church's Easter Services. This Easter invite video will make a great introduction to a sermon about the great commission, evangelism or outreach.
In this Valentine Edition of the animated "Very Special" series, children talk about valentines, romance, and each other (gross!) but also about what love truly is - and how to show it to others.
What is love? Songs have been written about it and authors have tried to define it. But, this mini-movie shares a powerful message about love directly from 1 John 3 & 4. The scriptures teach that God is love and that love comes from God. As Jesus gave up his life, we should also give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. This is real love. This mini-movie will make a great addition to your message on Valentine’s Day, at your a Valentine’s banquet, or compliment your message about God’s love.
What if love was greater than the darkest night? This colorfully illustrated mini movie asks us to reflect on the reality that God’s love for us in Christ truly is far greater than any darkness, pain, or loss we might experience in this life.
As Jesus spent 40 days in the desert praying and fasting, let us follow his lead during the season of Lent with self-denial, repentance, giving, and renewal. This video uses powerful images and music to remind your congregation of God’s love and sacrifice, which should encourage each of us to deny self and make God first place in our lives. Prepare your congregation for the celebration and sacrifice of Lent.
Creation is longing for the fullness of God. Waiting eagerly for everything to be made new. When we will live in freedom unlike any we’ve known. Based on Romans 8:18-25
"I'm not out here on my own. The Lord is my shepherd." Based on the much-loved Psalm, this worship mini movie encourages us to rest in the watchful care of our loving God.
This simple Mother's Day mini movie will lead your congregation in giving thanks to the Father for our moms and asking him to bless them in several specific ways.
Let all the moms know how glad you are to see them this Mother’s Day with a special welcome just for them. Based on Proverbs 22:6, this mini-movie is a great way to honor the mothers in your congregation and let them know just how important and special it is that they are being strong examples to all those around them.
Mothers have the hardest job on the planet, but seldom receive the recognition that they so dearly deserve. This Mother’s Day, let the Moms in your congregation know just how much you appreciate them by showing this heart touching mini-movie. Mothers will easily relate to this inspirational and encouraging message. Celebrate and thank the Moms in your church this Mother’s Day.