Mini Movies
This fun and fast-paced Labor Day mini-movie reminds us that our attitude toward our job matters to God. The scripture teaches us that we are called to work with our whole hearts, as unto God.
When we focus too much on the screen and too little on what’s happening around us, we might miss out on some of life’s most beautiful moments.
The Lord's Prayer
Centerline New Media
In Matthew 6, Jesus taught us to pray in this way. This video can be used to begin your service, to kick off your time of worship, or as an introduction to your message.
Formed By His Hand
Hyper Pixels Media
Using emotional music and graphics similar to those found in children's story books, this video presents a powerful message about the Sanctity of Life.
A New Year Focused On Jesus
Hyper Pixels Media
Going into the new year, many will make resolutions to get into shape, take up a new hobby, or accomplish something from their bucket list.
Strengthen Us - A New Year's Prayer
Centerline New Media
A happy year - it’s something we’d all like to have. However, we must look beyond our circumstances in our pursuit of happiness.
Based on Psalm 138, this high-energy, motion-graphics mini movie starter is a call to praise our God and proclaim his power and goodness in full view of all the world
The hard work of justice for everyone is far from over.
Remembering Martin Luther King Jr
Hyper Pixels Media
Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with our memorable and thought-provoking remembrance video.
It’s a new year. Some of us are excited, some dread the thought. Some will struggle to make this the best year ever, some will just try to survive. But what does God want for you this year?
Christmas Light Of The World
Steelehouse Media Group
On the first Christmas, Jesus: the Light of the World was born - a light that spread and transformed everything in its path.
La Verdadera Víspera De La Navidad
Journey Box Media
La Verdadera Víspera De La Navidad muestra cómo la mayoría de nosotros puede relacionarse con la anticipación de un niño en la noche antes de Navidad, entusiasmado con los regalos de la mañana siguiente. En esta mini película, relacionamos ese mismo sentido de anticipación de maravillosos dones con las emociones que María debe haber sentido la noche antes de que naciera Jesús. El mundo entero esperaba el regalo de Su llegada, y de repente, Él estaba aquí. Perfecto para cualquier servicio de Navidad, especialmente Nochebuena
Welcome To Church
Centerline New Media
Welcome newcomers to your church with this fun and upbeat mini-movie. A creative way to make guests feel comfortable and communicate who you are as a church and what you believe.
A reminder that the greatest commandment is love, this story of two unlikely friends from opposing sides of war encourages viewers to conquer their enemies with love.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A modern musical and visual take on the traditional hymn of praise.