This Veterans Day, honor our country’s finest for their service and sacrifice. These brave men and women put aside self, faced incredible danger, and endured loss to protect our freedom. These heroes, we call veterans, have shown amazing courage and commitment. They risked all for this great land. Show appreciation to the veterans in you congregation this Veterans Day.
This worship mini movie is a simple list of some of the many names of Jesus from Scripture set among artful, abstract, and distortion-filled images. No name in history has been as disruptive as His. No name can bring such peace. His is the only name written under heaven by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12).
Open your Thanksgiving Services with an offering of praise to the Lord. Begin your worship by pointing your church toward our Creator and Savior. All of God’s works are great, so take this opportunity to offer thanksgiving to the Lord, for He is good and His faithful love endures forever. This worship intro will work perfect at the beginning of your Thanksgiving service or at the start of your message on thanksgiving.
Are you grateful for your freedom? Then, today and always, we should thank our veterans. For Veterans Day, use this video to honor these brave men and women for their service and sacrifice. They put their very lives on the line to keep us safe. They left loves ones and shed blood so that we could live free. We owe each of them such great appreciation. Set aside a time during your worship service to let the veterans in your church know how thankful you are for their service.
This worship opener encourages believers to lift their voices and join with a song that has been sung throughout the ages, a song of praise to the Creator of all.
Before someone arrives at your worship service, their attention is pulled in many different directions. Between getting ready for church, feeding the dog, getting the kids ready, and fighting with traffic, most people walk into the church service frazzled and in a daze, just trying to catch their breath. This upbeat worship intro (service opener) will redirect your church’s attention away from life’s distractions and help them focus on worshipping God. Help your congregation to worship with all their heart, all their mind, and all their strength.
Now that Easter has passed, our part in the work of Easter begins. Jesus gave us the perfect example of how we are to live our lives. Inspire your congregation to go into the world, share the good news, and reflect Jesus to those in need. Great for the Sunday after Easter.
Featuring upbeat music and exciting visuals, this Palm Sunday worship intro is the perfect start to your Sunday service. Slow motion bursts of brilliant colors compliment bold text that describes the excitement of welcoming our King on Palm Sunday. Coordinate your entire service by also using the Color Burst Service Pack: over 70 pieces of media that compliment perfectly with the mini movie.
Featuring upbeat music and exciting visuals, this Easter worship intro is the perfect start to your Sunday service. Slow motion bursts of brilliant colors compliment bold text describing what the Resurrection really means for us. Coordinate your entire service by also using the Color Burst Service Pack: over 70 pieces of media that compliment perfectly with the mini movie.
Jesus was revolutionary in his time. He was also dangerous to the those in power. It seemed as though his death would be the end of him... but he was just getting started. Perfect for Easter.
Featuring upbeat music and exciting visuals, this Easter worship intro is the perfect start to your Sunday service. Slow motion bursts of brilliant colors compliment bold text describing what the Resurrection really means for us.
As a willing sacrifice, Jesus endured great suffering on Good Friday, to pay the penalty for our transgressions. Thru powerful music and visuals, this mini-movie prepares your congregation for Good Friday and the heart-wrenching events that took place on that day.
Where would you be without the hope of Easter? All of us know people who have not yet experienced this redemption and hope. We all know people who need to hear about Jesus this Easter. Jesus' death and resurrection was for them. But, how will they hear if no one goes? This Easter, encourage your church to invite friends and family to come hear the Good News. Easter is resurrection, redemption, and hope. Please share it. Help your church re-focus on outreach and evangelism with this Easter Invite mini-movie.
The truth of the Gospel is that God loves you unconditionally! Unfortunately, we try to complicate things by trying to earn what we can never actually earn. This motion graphic piece beautifully illustrates the simplicity of the Gospel and points people to the love of Jesus.
Jesus said that one commandment was greater than all the others: To love. Love God, love your neighbor, even love your enemies. It was a commandment with no exceptions. A perfect mini-movie for any sermon on the topic of love. Based on Matthew 5:43-48, John 13:34-35, and Mark 12:29-30.