Mini Movies
Work Rest Worship
Hyper Pixels Media
In our day and time, many find themselves overwhelmed by the rat race. As our busy schedules pull us from one direction to the next, we ask the question, “Am I supposed to feel so tired and burnt-out all the time?” Well, the book of Genesis reminds us that God made all of creation in six days, then on the seventh day He rested. God didn’t need the rest, but we certainly need to learn from His example.
Nacerá sin celebración alguna, en el lugar más humilde imaginado; sin embargo nacerá para cambiar el mundo para siempre. Celebra el nacimiento de Jesús en tus servicios de Navidad o Noche Buena con una chispa diferente. Basado en Lucas 1:32 y Lucas 2:11, este mini-movie es perfecto para comenzar un tiempo de adoración o una ilustración para el sermón de tus servicios de Diciembre.
Born with no fanfare, in the humblest of settings; and yet born to change the world forever. Celebrate the birth of Jesus with this service starter for your Christmas or Christmas Eve gatherings. Using scripture from Luke 1:31 and Luke 2:11, this mini-movie works great as a worship intro or sermon illustration for your December services.
Three children in dire circumstances prepare for an honored guest. Set to the text of Isaiah 9, this mini movie encourages us to wonder anew at the strange and beautiful arrival of our Savior. A good fit for any Christmas service, especially Christmas Eve.
The Way In A Manger
Journey Box Media
From seven different perspectives comes the story of one baby whose arrival would forever change the world. The Way in a Manger is perfect for connecting your congregation with the reality of the birth of Christ, as told by Simeon, Joseph, Herod, the Magi, the Innkeeper, Mary, and a Shepherd. Purchase includes a .zip file of various still images from the video for your use.
A Christmas Prayer
Shift Worship
Using stylized illustrations and reflective music, this Christmas prayer asks God for strength to have the faith of Mary, joy to be astonished as the shepherds, humility to be as selfless as the wise men, and courage to walk the Savior's path. An appropriate fit for any Christmas service.
What Do You See? (Christmas Illustration)
Creative Sheep
What do you see when you picture Christmas? Different people see different things. This video illustration explores the different sides of Christmas and points to what God sees. Whether it is used as an service opener or a message illustration, this video is perfect for reaching all types of people in your congregation.
"My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord." Captured on a hike in the Rocky Mountains, these beautiful images accompany the powerful words of praise found in this deeply-loved psalm.
Sing To The Lord-Worship Intro
Hyper Pixels Media
Featuring a contemporary design and images of God’s amazing creation, this worship intro mini-movie uses select scripture from Psalm 33 to help prepare your congregation for worship. The Lord deserves our praise and worship, and the scripture from this call to worship will encourage your church to sing out to the Lord.
We Salute Our Veterans
Hyper Pixels Media
Are you grateful for your freedom? Then, today and always, we should thank our veterans. For Veterans Day, use this video to honor these brave men and women for their service and sacrifice. They put their very lives on the line to keep us safe. They left loves ones and shed blood so that we could live free. We owe each of them such great appreciation. Set aside a time during your worship service to let the veterans in your church know how thankful you are for their service.
Easter: Share It
Hyper Pixels Media
Where would you be without the hope of Easter? All of us know people who have not yet experienced this redemption and hope. We all know people who need to hear about Jesus this Easter. Jesus' death and resurrection was for them. But, how will they hear if no one goes? This Easter, encourage your church to invite friends and family to come hear the Good News. Easter is resurrection, redemption, and hope. Please share it. Help your church re-focus on outreach and evangelism with this Easter Invite mini-movie.
Were You There Sunday
Shift Worship
Designed for an Easter service, this video features a haunting and then triumphant version of “Were You There” by Aaron Strumpel. Detailed black-and-white sketches give way to an unexpected explosion of color at as the sun rises on Resurrection Sunday.
Were You There Friday
Shift Worship
Designed for a Good Friday service, this video features a haunting version of “Were You There” by Aaron Strumpel. Detailed black-and-white sketches capture Jesus' journey to the cross.
He Lived He Died He Rose
Centerline New Media
In His life, His death, and His resurrection, Jesus’ mission was accomplished. He lived the perfect example, He died to wash clean our sins, He rose to show that sin and death had been replaced by forgiveness and life. With bright, clean, colorful visuals and inspiring music, this movie works well as an Easter worship intro and coordinates with An Invitation (Easter).
With a focus on how marriage is intended by God as a picture of his love for the church in Christ, this brief worship starter is appropriate for Valentines season, wedding and anniversary events or any emphasis on marriage and the love of God for his bride.