Christmas can be a very chaotic time of year. Especially when we loose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. It is also one of the best times of the year to invite visitors to your church.
A Perfect Mess Motion Graphics video discusses God's brilliant plan of bringing perfection into our mess, and demonstrates that the Christmas story was both perfect and messy at the same time.
A Perfect Mess Christmas Illustration discusses God's brilliant plan of bringing perfection into our mess, and demonstrates that the Christmas story was both perfect and messy at the same time.
Este video es una hermosa forma de rendir homenaje a las mamás en el Día de la Madre. Su elegante diseño combinado con las eternas escrituras de Proverbios 31 seguramente derretirán el corazón de todas las madres. El video funciona muy bien como una presentación de sermón o como un tiempo especial reservado solo para honrar a las madres. Proverbios 31:30 dice: "Una mujer que teme a Jehová debe ser alabada". ¡Este video lo ayudará a hacer precisamente eso en el Día de la Madre!
Something that can never be said enough. This Mother's Day, sit back and flip through an old photo album full of memorable moments we've had with our mothers.
This contemporary video is a stylish way to encourage your congregation to invite others to your church. It reminds them of those that they need to invite that can easily be overlooked.
Resurrection is a visually stunning depiction of the death and resurrection of Christ. This video is a wonderful way to open your Easter Service, Sunrise Service, or a sermon about the power and hope found in Jesus' resurrection.
For the first time, Chris Tomlin's "The Wonderful Cross" is available as a visual illustration that artistically explores the salvation power of Christ's death on the cross.
Are you looking for volunteers? Esspecially for greeters? Play this fun mini movie to try and get more volunteers for greeting! Play this mini-movie to promote involvement or to just say thanks to the many that have already served.