The new year is a time to look back and a time to look ahead. A time to thank God for His blessings and a time to consider what we need to change. Many resolve to exercise more, eat healthier, or read the Bible more. We just need to try harder, right? But, God says to seek Him first. He teaches us that His grace is sufficient. With upbeat music, and 3D graphics, this New Year's video will encourage your church to do their best, and trust God to do the rest.
Humans love new things, but it seems we come by it honestly: God is all about new things, too. This spunky mini-movie is a great way to start off the new year or to set up a sermon about finances and materialism.
At Christmas, we celebrate the greatest miracle of all. The miracle of God coming to us as a tiny baby, yet a King. Immanuel, God with us, yet an infant. The one who spoke everything into existence laid in a lowly manger. This powerful video uses a stirring rendition of Carol of the Bells and 3d animations to tell the Christmas story. The Good News that is for all people, that the Messiah has come. He is Savior of the world.
Hear the angels declare, hear the Earth proclaim, a savior has come! With beautiful Christmas visuals and inspiring backing music, this mini-movie is a perfect call to worship for any Christmas or Christmas Eve service.
How often do we consider the implications of what we believe about the very first Christmas? God’s original Christmas gift to us was immeasurably more than anything we could ever imagine. When you really stop to think about it, no miracle we seek is beyond hope.
This mini-movie reflects on the season of Lent thru the passage found in Matthew 4:1-11, where Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. As we follow Jesus in the wilderness, we learn profound truths about ourselves. We learn that we must give up what we want to focus on what we need. We learn that it is in yielding our rights and desires that we discover God's will and plan. Use this mini-movie during the season of Lent to prepare the hearts of God's people to honor Jesus' death and celebrate His resurrection.
As Jesus approached Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, He wept over the city and the people gathered there. He knew that disaster awaited them because they did not recognize Him for who He truly was. Taken from Luke 19:41-44 and told from Jesus’ point of view.
Jesus did more than die on the cross for your sins. He also rose from the dead! Because of this, it changes the way we live. This motion video is great as an opener or as an element in your Easter service.
A deeply moving Easter video. Jesus was not the king his people were looking for. Through the lens of the Triumphal Entry, The Cross, and the Garden, “Return of the King” is a powerful proclamation of the power of the resurrection. Long live the king!
How would you live if you knew you would rise? This Easter mini movie answers that question by showing us how Jesus lived during the week leading up to His death and resurrection. How will we live today?
his powerful Easter Worship Intro will create a celebratory and worshipful atmosphere for the beginning of your Easter Worship Service. With a cinematic music score and contemporary illustrations, this Easter video tells the story of Jesus’ ministry, his sufferings on Good Friday and his powerful resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Acknowledging the beauty of rest as the sun rises in the background, this brief mini movie reminds us that rest must have its end, that the church is a body made to move. Let us rise up now and go.
Después de Su resurrección, Jesús les dio a los discípulos la Gran Comisión. Les aseguró su poder, les prometió su presencia sin fin, y los instó a aceptar el llamado para ir al mundo y hacer nuevos discípulos. Basado en Mateo 28: 18-20, esta mini película es genial para el domingo después de Pascua.
After His resurrection, Jesus gave the disciples the Great Commission. He assured them of His power, promised them His unending presence, and urged them to accept the call to go into the world and make new disciples. Based on Matthew 28:18-20, this mini-movie is great for the Sunday after Easter.
Jesus’ resurrection was not the end of his ministry. He continued to meet with and teach His disciples. And, more importantly, he gave the church its mission (the Great Commission). On the Sunday after easter, remind your church of the power that we have been given because of Jesus’ resurrection.