Use this powerful Worship Intro as an opener to this year’s Thanksgiving Services. With powerful music and images, this video will inspire your congregation with thankfulness to the Lord in the midst of a pandemic. He is our great King, perfect and holy, worthy of praise and thanksgiving. He is our amazing creator who never leaves us, covering us with His grace. Let us make His name known and sing His praise. Let us praise the Lord with Thanksgiving.
At Christmas we celebrate the greatest gift of all time. Emmanuel, God with us. Born in a manger. Fully human, but also fully God. The Word made flesh.
Based on Matthew 28:5-9, this mini movie shares the story of the first Easter morning. This video works great as an intro to your Easter worship service or sunrise service.
The Pharisees were angry and told Jesus, “Quiet your people down.” Jesus replied, “If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” This Palm Sunday, encourage your congregation to cry out with creation to Hosanna! Encourage your congregation to worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Prepare your people to worship Jesus in spirit and in truth with this Palm Sunday Mini Movie!
He is our hope, our savior and redeemer. He is the risen king. He is Jesus. This energetic movie lists many of the names and attributes of Jesus, and is great for your Easter services.
This powerful Easter mini-movie will create a worshipful atmosphere for the beginning of your Easter Worship Service or leading into an Easter Sermon. With a cinematic music score and contemporary illustrations, this Easter video tells the story of Jesus’ ministry, his sufferings on Good Friday, and his powerful resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Whether you are live streaming your entire worship service or simply prerecording the message, this bumper video will help get your church online. Its 3d design will assist you in bridging the gap between church, technology, and streaming your services online. This bumper is part of a collection called Online Church Theme Pack Vol 1 (sold separately).
Even though church seems a little different right now, God’s word hasn’t changed, and God’s love hasn’t changed. Perfect to begin your online church service or livestream event. Based on Isaiah 40:8 and Hebrews 13:8
Share this powerful reminder that we can still rejoice in the middle of life's storms and struggles. In times of uncertainty, it can be easy to live in fear and forget to look to God, but when the worry takes over, that’s the time we should turn and raise our voices, praising God for all His faithfulness.
This mini movie/sermon bumper is a call to ask God to make this streaming service more than just a video and to unite His scattered people in love for each other and praise for Him.