It is hard to find someone that you can truly trust. This motion graphics piece uses scripture to point to the one person you can trust in any situation.
Jesus. The Light of the world. He came here, to earth, through birth. This spoken word piece is a great transition from worship to the message, message to altar call or even service opener.
With Autumn themed visuals, this prayer offers thanks to God for life and breath, family and friends, the beauty and mystery of creation, and ultimately His Son Jesus Christ.
Crayon drawings animate real-life responses from children as they talk about Easter. Their unfiltered and heartfelt responses bring humor and depth to the subject. Only a child could mix the silly and the sacred to so powerfully!
Christmas Eve is our last night of separation. Our last night alone. For tomorrow, we would witness the birth of Glory. Tomorrow, God would be with us. Based on the scriptures John 1:1, John 1:9, and John 1:14.
Este sencillo iniciador de adoración se hace eco de la llamada del Salmo 95 para alabar en voz alta y gozosa a la Roca de nuestra salvación, el Rey sobre todos los dioses, mientras nos preparamos para postrarnos en adoración ante nuestro Hacedor. Salmos 95 es la versión en español de Psalm 95.
Todos podemos ponernos de pie y cantar las palabras en la pantalla, pero ¿hay algo que impide que nuestros corazones realmente entren a la adoración? Este breve y reflexivo video desafiará a su gente a pensar y ajustar su disposición a alabar a Dios. Con la canción "Doxology" de Page CXVI (
¡Disfruta de Isaias 9, la versión en español de Isaías 9 por Shift Worship! Un breve video de introducción, transición o llamado a adorar inspirado en Isaías 9.
After inviting friends to church for Easter, it's natural to relax in the success of our seasonal outreach. Let this After Easter invite video help encourage your congregation to not let the conversation - and invitation - end.
Christmas is a time of joy, but it can also magnify burdens. This Christmas Invite will inspire your congregation to reach out to those who are struggling, to invite them to your church where they can hear the Christmas message of a new beginning.
Often we take our family for granted. This heartfelt Christmas mini-movie reminds us of the joy of Christmas and family together. Purchase includes a bonus version WITHOUT the intro quote.
Lord prepare our hearts, as we enter this season of Lent. A prayer asking God to help us reflect on our lives, repent for wrong choices, and replace the things that come between us and our relationship with Him.
Freedom, liberty. It's something we celebrate, something we take pride in, something we have struggled so hard for and have so strongly defended. But true freedom, we don't have to fight for, we just have to accept it from Christ.