Our freedom has been bought at a great price by the veterans who have served our country. This Veterans Day, say thank you to these soldiers who have sacrificed so much. We don't know them all, but we owe them all. They have given their time, their lives, and have been separated from family, for us. Because of their courage, we can live freely and worship God freely. This Veterans Day, we say thank you.
A prayer to God to strengthen and renew our spirits through prayer, fasting, service and confession, as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. Great for Ash Wednesday or any service during Lent.
This mini-movie reflects on the season of Lent thru the passage found in Matthew 4:1-11, where Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. As we follow Jesus in the wilderness, we learn profound truths about ourselves. We learn that we must give up what we want to focus on what we need. We learn that it is in yielding our rights and desires that we discover God's will and plan. Use this mini-movie during the season of Lent to prepare the hearts of God's people to honor Jesus' death and celebrate His resurrection.
Have you ever felt let down by love? Hearts get broken, as promises are broken. But, God always keeps His promises. He sees you, hears you, and loves you. And, God calls us to love as He loves. How can we love when we might get hurt? We love each other because He loved us first. Use this mini-movie at your next Valentine's Banquet. It would also make a great introduction to a message on the topic of love for Valentine's Day.
Welcome your congregation to church with this opening prayer of blessing. This worship intro asks God to move the spirits of all who are present, whether they are lost or believers, into their next steps in their walk with Jesus.
What if love was greater than the darkest night? This colorfully illustrated mini movie asks us to reflect on the reality that God’s love for us in Christ truly is far greater than any darkness, pain, or loss we might experience in this life.
As Jesus spent 40 days in the desert praying and fasting, let us follow his lead during the season of Lent with self-denial, repentance, giving, and renewal. This video uses powerful images and music to remind your congregation of God’s love and sacrifice, which should encourage each of us to deny self and make God first place in our lives. Prepare your congregation for the celebration and sacrifice of Lent.
Creation is longing for the fullness of God. Waiting eagerly for everything to be made new. When we will live in freedom unlike any we’ve known. Based on Romans 8:18-25
"I'm not out here on my own. The Lord is my shepherd." Based on the much-loved Psalm, this worship mini movie encourages us to rest in the watchful care of our loving God.
Controlled by fear and worry, our minds often race to the worst-case scenario in any circumstance. However, God wants us to trust Him with our tomorrows, and realize that He is faithful to walk with us through whatever may come.
Money, tithing, and stewardship can be challenging topics to address with your congregation. However, this uplifting video makes it easy to share Biblical principles about giving, showing that God has a plan to bless us and others when we are faithful to follow His commands.
We have a natural tendency to label and categorize everything in our lives, including the people around us. But those labels can divide us within the Kingdom, instead of unifying us. More than a Label reminds us to reject the labels so that we can see God in each other.