Mini Movies
The Author Of Life
Hyper Pixels Media
The biggest question we can answer in the pro-life vs pro-choice debate is, "What is the origin of life?" Psalm 119:73 states, "Your hands have made and fashioned me." God plans and creates every human life in His likeness. Every life is sacred because God is the Author of life.
God gives us comfort in our troubles, comfort so we can comfort others, so praise be to God. Based on 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, this colorful worship intro is perfect for any service.
Thanksgiving Praise
Hyper Pixels Media
Open your Thanksgiving Services with an offering of praise to the Lord. Begin your worship by pointing your church toward our Creator and Savior. All of God’s works are great, so take this opportunity to offer thanksgiving to the Lord, for He is good and His faithful love endures forever. This worship intro will work perfect at the beginning of your Thanksgiving service or at the start of your message on thanksgiving.
Be The New (Year)
Journey Box Media
One of the greatest things about God’s promises of new mercies and new songs is how we can fulfill those promises for others. This fun mini-movie is energetic and perfect for getting your community excited about the New Year.
Thanksgiving Opener
Centerline New Media
We are thankful for our blessings, so let us be a blessing to others. This upbeat and inspiring Thanksgiving service starter features Fall inspired imagery and colors, and closes with Psalm 7:17.
My soul magnifies the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my savior. Use this upbeat and colorful mini-movie as an introduction to worship. Based on Luke 1:46-55.
In whom have you placed your hope? This brief worship starter focuses on resting in God's grace because of Christ's death for our sin and our new life in Him. Use this simple, yet powerful, mini movie to set the perfect tone for your service or message.
Strong Women
Journey Box Media
The women in our lives have long reflected the heart of God in both quiet and tangible ways. With this collection of candid stories about a mother’s influence, celebrate the strength and love of these women as your community honors them this Mother’s Day.
Christmas is all about hope. In a world that often seems hopeless, God sent His Son Jesus to bring Hope to those who’ve lost all hope! This motion graphic piece conveys the message of hope for all, and would work well as a service opener video or as an intro to the message.
Follow the hand-drawn lines through the classic elements of the Christmas story projected large over a starry night sky. Use our music track ("Silent Night" by Future of Forestry) or turn down the volume and play live music over the visuals.
A beautiful Christmas movie that celebrates the birth of Jesus. The darkness has been defeated, the light has come!
Still The Light Of The World
Hyper Pixels Media
Two thousand years ago, a baby was born… a light to the world… the promised Messiah. This Christmas, though these dark times are very similar, we can still rejoice in celebrating the same Christ-child. Jesus is still enough to bring us hope, faith, joy and peace. This Christmas mini-movie is a fantastic addition to your church gathering or teaching on the Nativity.
An upbeat, energetic worship intro listing many of the names and attributes of God.
Lent Return To Me
Centerline New Media
The Lord declares, “Return to me, with all your heart.” Based on Joel 2:12-17, this mini-movie is great for your Lent and Ash Wednesday services, or any sermons on the topics of renewal and repentance.
A beautiful mini-movie about repentance. A perfect match for the Misty Lent collection and great for an Ash Wednesday streaming service.