America is hurting from virus, death, hardship, and loss. Our nation is fighting for justice and equality. Our nation is breaking from division and anger. But, God is still God and He can bring healing to our land. He can bring unity and reconciliation to America.
Using dramatic images of a lava flow, the text of Psalm 139 urges the viewer to contemplate the brevity of life and our responsibility to our holy God.
"God loves you." This mini-movie pushes past the cliches that simple phrase brings to mind for so many people and insists that God does love us and that it matters.
Jesus' commandment is to love one another as He has loved us. Based on John15:9-12, use this mini-movie for your Valentine's-themed service, or any service on the topic of love.
This mini-movie shares some of the Bible's most powerful passages concerning love. When we are afraid, love casts out fear. When we make mistakes, love covers a multitude of sins. From the scriptures, we learn that love comes from God and God is love.
An unplanned pregnancy forces a woman to make one of life's most important decisions. You may ask yourself this question, "How will this impact me in this moment?" However, this critical decision will actually impact a lifetime of moments. These little moments are also life's most fulfilling experiences.
Lord prepare our hearts, as we enter this season of Lent. A prayer asking God to help us reflect on our lives, repent for wrong choices, and replace the things that come between us and our relationship with Him.