On Palm Sunday, Jesus entered into Jerusalem as a King with crowds shouting praises to Him saying, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” Encourage your church to also praise Jesus as King this Palm Sunday. Encourage them to sing out, “Hosanna in the Highest” and “Hosanna to the King of Kings!” This mini-movie will help prepare the hearts of your church for worship on Palm Sunday.
This Easter, let’s get back to the basics. It’s all about how much Jesus loves YOU! In this motion graphics video, we remind your audience to lean into God’s love.
The world believes that Easter is about chocolate bunnies, hunting eggs, and baskets. Who really needs that kind of Easter? But, the real Easter that Christians celebrate is about Jesus, redemption, life, and hope. Who needs that Easter? Well, everyone needs that Easter! So, let’s get the word out. Let’s share the Good News and invite our communities to come find out the true meaning of Easter!
Based on Joel 2:12-13, this mini-movie will encourage your congregation to return to the Lord with reflection and repentance, during the season of Lent. Our Heavenly Father is merciful and compassionate. During Lent, we should come to the Lord in the same way Jesus did in the Garden, with fasting and weeping. During Lent, we remember His sacrifice and give back, because He gave all.
This Christmas, celebrate the birth of our King! Jesus came as a babe in a manger. Born in the most humble of circumstances. The Word made flesh to dwell among us. Immanuel... God with us! This Christmas Worship Intro video uses powerful music and 3d illustrations to share the powerful meaning of Christmas. Use this video to prepare your church for worship during your Christmas or Christmas Eve services. This Christmas church video will also make a great introduction to your sermon about the birth of Christ during the Christmas season.
It’s the week after Easter, and we’ve just received the best news ever. The news that Jesus has risen. What should we do with the best news ever? Well, after Easter, Jesus gave us the Great Commission. He said that we should go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them everything He had commanded. Use ‘After Easter Mission’ to remind your church about the greatest mission ever, the Great Commission.
He knew no sin, but carried ours. He broke no bones, but bled enough to cover all who trust in Him. This Good Friday meditation celebrates, in a minor key, Christ's victory on the cross over sin and death.
For the disciples, the dream was shattered. The Messiah was dead. No kingdom would come. But wait. Is this the third day? As the sun rises over the scattered pieces of their faith, the impossible has happened. Our Lord lives!
Using scripture from Matthew 6:19-21, this reflective mini-movie is a statement from us to God expressing the heart behind why we give. It works great to set up a sermon on generosity, or to prepare for a time of giving.
This mini-movie features beautiful imagery to complement Psalm 36. Use this media as a worship intro or a sermon intro on the Psalms, creation, or God's power. Included in the download is a file without the Scripture and only the imagery. This mini-movie is a part of a larger collection to correlate with Psalm 36.