Mini Movies

Mini Movies

Mini Movies


Wake Up, O Sleeper
Centerline New Media

We were once darkness, but in Christ, we are light. A reflective mini-movie based on Ephesians 5:8-14.


God's Masterpiece
Hyper Pixels Media

The sanctity of human life is a heavily debated topic in our society. However, the real issue is not “choice”, but instead “the origin of life”. According to Acts 17:25, God is the one who gives life and breath to everything. Each life has a purpose and worth beyond measure, because he or she was lovingly created by our Heavenly Father. Defend the powerless and speak for those who have no voice. Share this vitally important message on Sanctity of Life Sunday or anytime that you are preaching on the topics of right to life, abortion, the pro-life movement, or the sanctity of life.


A Psalm Of Worship
Centerline New Media

Come let us sing for joy to the Lord our Maker. Psalm 95 is set to beautiful images of creation and energetic music, making this a perfect intro for a time of worship.


My Year
Hyper Pixels Media

The start of a new year can be an exciting time, as we think about all the amazing plans that God has in store for His people. Use this new year’s mini-movie to encourage your church to renew their commitment to Christ and His plans. The upbeat song featured in this new years video is titled “This Is My Year” and is performed by Tim McMorris.


Cheerful Giver
Hyper Pixels Media

Money, tithing, and stewardship can be challenging topics to address with your congregation. However, this uplifting video makes it easy to share Biblical principles about giving, showing that God has a plan to bless us and others when we are faithful to follow His commands.


Give It Away
Centerline New Media

Each day we live is a gift from God. And what you do with today, is your gift of worship to Him.


The Table
Journey Box Media

As you spend more time at your home during this global pandemic, remember that the table is one of the most sacred places.

The table is more than a place to eat- it’s a central location for much of our lives. Here you will find peace, love, nourishment, and thankfulness. This celebration of gratitude is perfect for Thanksgiving, communion, or any message that focuses on gratitude and spending time with loved ones.


Love One Another
Hyper Pixels Media

This world has a very unhealthy view of love. But, Jesus told His disciples, “A new command I give to you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Jesus is our example of what love should be. And, because God loves us, we can love our friends, neighbors, and even our enemies. Use this uplifting mini-movie before Valentine’s Day or anytime you are preaching on the topic of “love”. It will also work great during your Valentine’s Banquet or any other special Valentine’s Day program.


True Love
Shift Worship

With a focus on how marriage is intended by God as a picture of his love for the church in Christ, this brief worship starter is appropriate for Valentines season, wedding and anniversary events or any emphasis on marriage and the love of God for his bride.


Prodigal: A Father's Love
Journey Box Media

Adapted from “What’s So Amazing About Grace?” (© 1997) by popular Christian author Philip Yancey, Prodigal is a relatable telling of the well-known parable used by Jesus to show us who God is and how God loves. In this picture of extravagant grace, we learn that there is no catch to this promise, no loophole to exclude us from Love. Featuring music from up and coming artist Sara Jackson-Holman, we believe Prodigal is the film your community will be talking about. This mini-movie is perfect for Father's Day.


Journey Box Media

It’s rather common for us to complicate the teachings of Christ, but at their core, his teachings are very simple.


Journey Box Media

"Also available in Spanish". There are so many small parts to a Mother’s life that it can seem ordinary, but there is nothing ordinary about the role of “Mother.”


Light Shines
Journey Box Media

God has always shown up in the most unlikely places. Jesus’ life was the greatest example of that. Perfect for Easter or any moment in your services that want to convey the impact of Jesus.


Love (A New Commandment)
Centerline New Media

Based on Matthew 22:34-39 and John 13:34-35, this mini-movie explores the meaning of a new commandment that Jesus gave his disciples, a commandment to love as Jesus loved.


Glory Forever
Shift Worship

Based on Romans 11:33–12:1, this worship starter points us to God's absolute glory and endless power. How will we respond to the baffling mercy He gives to us in Christ?

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