This mini-movie explores the reasons for giving, fasting, and praying during the season of Lent. It can be used to explain to your congregation and visitors the reasons for observing these customs leading up to Easter. Great for Ash Wednesday or any service during the Lent season.
Lent is a time of prayer, repentance, giving, and self-denial. As Jesus spent 40 days in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11), where He endured temptation by the devil, we follow his example during the season of lent where we deny self, pray, and focus on God.
This prayer of repentance—appropriate for Ash Wednesday, Lent or any season—acknowledges our guilt in seeking good apart from God and His grace in granting forgiveness in Christ and offering all-sufficient joy in Himself.
Based on Matthew 22:34-39 and John 13:34-35, this mini-movie explores the meaning of a new commandment that Jesus gave his disciples, a commandment to love as Jesus loved.
A salute to the “ordinary glory” of motherhood. Celebrate the kingdom work that moms demonstrate daily in the seemingly mundane, everyday tasks that keep a family going.
The resurrection of Jesus is cause for great celebration on Easter Sunday. However, it's in the days after Easter that Jesus appeared to His disciples and gave the church it's mission.
This brief, uplifting resurrection starter references the multitude of angels absent from the crucifixion and the two sent to announce that Jesus was absent from his tomb.
Our world operates on the principle of exchange. We trade money for things we need. God operates the same way, except we exchange our baggage for His salvation.
When the crowd heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, they took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
Imagine Christmas is over. The season flies by then everything goes back to "normal." Back to work. Back to school. Back to life. It's almost like Christmas didn't happen at all. But it did. And it still matters.