Este video es una hermosa forma de rendir homenaje a las mamás en el Día de la Madre. Su elegante diseño combinado con las eternas escrituras de Proverbios 31 seguramente derretirán el corazón de todas las madres. El video funciona muy bien como una presentación de sermón o como un tiempo especial reservado solo para honrar a las madres. Proverbios 31:30 dice: "Una mujer que teme a Jehová debe ser alabada". ¡Este video lo ayudará a hacer precisamente eso en el Día de la Madre!
Resurrection is a visually stunning depiction of the death and resurrection of Christ. This video is a wonderful way to open your Easter Service, Sunrise Service, or a sermon about the power and hope found in Jesus' resurrection.
For the first time, Chris Tomlin's "The Wonderful Cross" is available as a visual illustration that artistically explores the salvation power of Christ's death on the cross.
2,000 years ago Jesus Christ stood before a group of religious leaders and said, "Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days." (John 2:19) At the time, no one fully understood what He meant, but we do now. Stand before the Tomb and witness the event that changed the world forever.
It is finished. The most powerful words ever uttered. The end of sin's stranglehold on mankind. Jesus replaced guilt with grace in one moment that not only put an end to your penalty - it also began your transformation.
Fast food restaurants tell us that we should have it "our way". But, at the heart of the Christian faith is a willingness to surrender our will and say, "Thy will be done."
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the tenth commandment "You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor."
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the ninth commandment "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor."
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the seventh commandment "You shall not commit adultery."
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the sixth commandment "You shall not murder."
21st century people grapple with the timeless laws of God's universe known as the Ten Commandments. This is the fifth commandment "Honor your father and mother so that you may live long."