God could have come to Earth with a show of power and might, but instead he came in gentleness, His glory and His thunder laid aside. A reflective mini-movie for the Christmas season.
The three days of Easter contain the highest and lowest points of humanity. “Not The End” takes us through those 3 days and allows us to connect with the human condition and the hope of a living savior. Featuring music by Gungor.
If Jesus did not rise, our faith is worthless. But he did rise! Built on 1 Corinthians 15 and Romans 6, this moving video is meant to help believers identify more closely with Jesus in his march toward death, somber burial and the source of all peace - his resurrection.
The three days of Easter contain the highest and lowest points of humanity. Through a gripping telling of Peter’s story, “Not The End” takes us through those 3 days and allows us to connect with the human condition and the hope of a living savior.
There are many kinds of invitations. Some can be cute. Some can be spur of the moment. And some can be life changing. Use this mini-movie to remind your congregation to invite someone to your church's Easter services. Updated for 2017!
Most of us take for granted the good news of Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection, until we are reminded of our sin and the judgment we so rightly deserve.
The night Jesus was betrayed He went out to the Mount of Olives with the disciples. Here in the garden of Gethsemane he prayed for God's will to be done. Based on Luke 22:29-42.
It’s easy to believe one way and live another. This mini-movie portrays the struggle many Christians have of living one life, fully devoted to God. Music by Jars of Clay.
Mother's Day takes on a deeper meaning as we get older. When we look back through our life, we can see how much our moms have given us every step of the way. A heartwarming tribute to moms.
Made specifically for the Sunday after Easter, this mini-movie is a call to action for all believers. After Jesus rose from the grave he appeared before the disciples to say, "now it's your turn.
Cristo fue crucificado y sepultado, pero la tumba no pudo retenerlo. En la mañana de Pascua la piedra fue removida, Él ha resucitado, ¡Él ha ganado! De reflectante a triunfante, esta poderosa introducción ayudará a preparar a su congregación para sus servicios de adoración de Pascua.