From the condemnation through the law of Moses to the salvation through the sacrifice of Christ; this video illustrates the heart of the Gospel. Celebrate with your congregation the redemptive power of the Resurrection; what Easter truly means.
Using powerful footage of Jesus on the day of His crucifixion, through His resurrection; this film harnesses the power of worship as it shows us the pain of sacrifice. Set to the amazing song by Phil Wickham, The Day That True Love Died is a potent reminder of God's grace and his Son's sacrifice.
Much of life is perspective. Two people can read the same scripture or look at the same command of Jesus, and hear two completely different things. Great message opener for serving, attitude, perspective.
This quiet, reflective video is a prayer that acknowledges our sin in view of God's continued grace and forgiveness while asking the Father to increase our appetite for Him. A good fit for Lent or any focus on confession, grace and holy living.
It’s easy to believe one way and live another. This mini-movie portrays the struggle many Christians have of living one life, fully devoted to God. Music by Jars of Clay.
Mother's Day takes on a deeper meaning as we get older. When we look back through our life, we can see how much our moms have given us every step of the way. A heartwarming tribute to moms.
Made specifically for the Sunday after Easter, this mini-movie is a call to action for all believers. After Jesus rose from the grave he appeared before the disciples to say, "now it's your turn.
Cristo fue crucificado y sepultado, pero la tumba no pudo retenerlo. En la mañana de Pascua la piedra fue removida, Él ha resucitado, ¡Él ha ganado! De reflectante a triunfante, esta poderosa introducción ayudará a preparar a su congregación para sus servicios de adoración de Pascua.
Veterans Day Honors is a video that reminds us of the many sacrifices that our veterans have given and it also reminds us of the many reasons they are so willing to defend our nation.
Scripture tells us to give thanks in all circumstances. Many times it’s easy to be thankful when times are good, but what about when times are difficult, or when we lose a loved one? Share I Choose Thankful, to share with your congregation.
God has always shown up in the most unlikely places. Jesus’ life was the greatest example of that. Perfect for Easter or any moment in your services that want to convey the impact of Jesus.