Money, tithing, and stewardship can be challenging topics to address with your congregation. However, this uplifting video makes it easy to share Biblical principles about giving, showing that God has a plan to bless us and others when we are faithful to follow His commands.
Mom is the best! She's your number one cheerleader. She was uber before there was uber. So this Mother's Day, in this vibrant motion graphics piece, we just want to say, Thanks Mom!
On Palm Sunday, Jesus entered into Jerusalem as a King with crowds shouting praises to Him saying, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” Encourage your church to also praise Jesus as King this Palm Sunday. Encourage them to sing out, “Hosanna in the Highest” and “Hosanna to the King of Kings!” This mini-movie will help prepare the hearts of your church for worship on Palm Sunday.
This Easter, let’s get back to the basics. It’s all about how much Jesus loves YOU! In this motion graphics video, we remind your audience to lean into God’s love.
The world believes that Easter is about chocolate bunnies, hunting eggs, and baskets. Who really needs that kind of Easter? But, the real Easter that Christians celebrate is about Jesus, redemption, life, and hope. Who needs that Easter? Well, everyone needs that Easter! So, let’s get the word out. Let’s share the Good News and invite our communities to come find out the true meaning of Easter!
Based on Joel 2:12-13, this mini-movie will encourage your congregation to return to the Lord with reflection and repentance, during the season of Lent. Our Heavenly Father is merciful and compassionate. During Lent, we should come to the Lord in the same way Jesus did in the Garden, with fasting and weeping. During Lent, we remember His sacrifice and give back, because He gave all.
After Easter, Jesus continued to minister on this planet for another 40 days before He ascended into Heaven. During that time, he opened the disciple’s eyes. He opened their minds to understand scripture. And, most importantly, after Easter he gave His church the Great Commission.
We occasionally all have one of “those days” at work. This can easily lead to a bad attitude when it comes to our jobs and our career. However, God says in Colossians 3:23, “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”
This fun and uplifting video reminds us that God worked for six days, found satisfaction in His labor, and rested on the seventh day. We should follow His example. This sermon illustration video works great for Labor Day or anytime you are preaching about the sabbath, rest, or work.
As far as heaven is above the earth, that is the greatness of God's love. A worship intro based on Psalm 103. Great for Valentine's or love themed services!
What if love was greater than the darkest night? This colorfully illustrated mini movie asks us to reflect on the reality that God’s love for us in Christ truly is far greater than any darkness, pain, or loss we might experience in this life.