Love, Joy, Peace and Hope… these are four facets of the Christmas season that we could all use a little bit more of this year! Give the gift of a changed life this Christmas with the Come and Adore: Christmas Invite so they, too, can “come and adore Him.”
This powerful Easter mini-movie will create a worshipful atmosphere for the beginning of your Easter Worship Service or leading into an Easter Sermon. With a cinematic music score and contemporary illustrations, this Easter video tells the story of Jesus’ ministry, his sufferings on Good Friday, and his powerful resurrection on Easter Sunday.
What a year 2020 was… but this is our prayer for the new year! “New Opportunities, New Beginnings” is a visual aid that highlights focusing on eternal things in 2021 as we share the Love of God, as we walk in faith, as we share His Hope with those around us!
Come, let us adore Him, Jesus Christ, the Lord! This energetic worship intro is based on the familiar Christmas hymn, O Come All Ye Faithful. Perfect for any Christmas or Christmas Eve service or event.
He is our hope, our savior and redeemer. He is the risen king. He is Jesus. This energetic movie lists many of the names and attributes of Jesus, and is great for your Easter services.
Whatever you do unto the least of these, you have done unto God. Our God is not only concerned with those in power; the kings, scholars, and priests...
“Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.” Every word is about God’s longing to be with us through the noise that we create because we are scared of the silence. If we just stop and listen, we can hear Him calling our name. The joy and love we seek is here. Let yourself hope and wonder.
This brief benediction mini movie draws from Psalm 105 and Colossians 2 to put a focus on giving thanks to the Lord with gorgeous fall leaves as the background.
Through the joy and trials, in triumphs and failures, in all things we give You thanks. A hopeful and inspiring mini-movie for your Thanksgiving and Fall services.
Whether you are live streaming your entire worship service or simply prerecording the message, this bumper video will help get your church online. Its 3d design will assist you in bridging the gap between church, technology, and streaming your services online. This bumper is part of a collection called Online Church Theme Pack Vol 1 (sold separately).