It’s inevitable. Darkness creeps in and reminds us that the enemy is near and it can make us feel like there is no way out. When that fire comes, and it will, we must remember what Power lives in us. God is faithful and he is with us, regardless of what might shake us now or what trials and tribulations await in our future. Use this powerful message to uplift, inspire and encourage your congregation.
Due to popular demand, we've created a year-round version of our best-selling New Year's video! This encouraging service opener reminds us that, no matter how things have gone so far, God always has new mercies and fresh starts. Great for seasons of new beginnings, such as back to school! Also includes a version without text at the end.
With a focus on how marriage is intended by God as a picture of his love for the church in Christ, this brief worship starter is appropriate for Valentines season, wedding and anniversary events or any emphasis on marriage and the love of God for his bride.
In Matthew 6, Jesus taught us to pray in this way. This video can be used to begin your service, to kick off your time of worship, or as an introduction to your message.
Why have we gathered to praise Him? What makes our God so great? This brief call-to-worship mini movie provides answers to those questions from Psalm 146, making it a great lead-in to a time of praise and worship.
"I'm not out here on my own. The Lord is my shepherd." Based on the much-loved Psalm, this worship mini movie encourages us to rest in the watchful care of our loving God.
"What if we said thank you for what we’d miss the most? For what we’d give first to those who live without?" This brief Thanksgiving video uses humor and warmth to remind us to give thanks for the gifts others in the world don't take for granted. Use with matching Thanksgiving Table Collection visuals!
From the stress of choosing just the right gift to the fireworks that wake your sleeping baby at midnight, we all agree: Holidays can be complicated. That’s why we love the simplicity of Thanksgiving- just a day to enjoy the presence of others, eat delicious food, and give thanks to the One from whom all blessings flow.
This heart-stirring Veterans Day video features part of a powerful speech given by President Ronald Reagan at Omaha Beach, commemorating the 40th anniversary of D-Day (June 6, 1984).
There's nothing like becoming a parent to give you perspective and appreciation for all of your parent’s sacrifices through the years. “Parenting is Hard" is a comical, yet heartfelt, apology and expression of gratitude that's perfect for messages on family and parenting, or to promote parenting small groups or workshops.
You can read every book and take every class, but nothing prepares you for motherhood like the school of life. From the joy of teaching children how to walk with Jesus to the stress of teaching a teenager to drive, every mom can look back and think of things she wishes she’d known. Your purchase also includes a version without “Happy Mother’s Day” at the end.