Mini Movies
Lent (A Season Of Reflection)
Centerline New Media
This mini-movie explores the reasons for giving, fasting, and praying during the season of Lent. It can be used to explain to your congregation and visitors the reasons for observing these customs leading up to Easter. Great for Ash Wednesday or any service during the Lent season.
Preparing For Lent
Hyper Pixels Media
Lent is a time of prayer, repentance, giving, and self-denial. As Jesus spent 40 days in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11), where He endured temptation by the devil, we follow his example during the season of lent where we deny self, pray, and focus on God.
This prayer of repentance—appropriate for Ash Wednesday, Lent or any season—acknowledges our guilt in seeking good apart from God and His grace in granting forgiveness in Christ and offering all-sufficient joy in Himself.
Love Note From God
Hyper Pixels Media
We all know that God loves us, right? Well, even though this is great theology, we sometimes doubt what the Bible teaches. We consider the sin that we've committed and wonder if we are good enough for God to love. This fun and uplifting Valentine's Day mini-movie shares powerful passages from God's Word.
Based on Colossians 3:1-4, Psalm 27:13, and Psalm 123:1, this worship starter will encourage your congregation to lift their eyes from the worthless distractions of the world to worship the One who keeps our real lives with Him.
Welcome To Church
Centerline New Media
Welcome newcomers to your church with this fun and upbeat mini-movie. A creative way to make guests feel comfortable and communicate who you are as a church and what you believe.
A reminder that the greatest commandment is love, this story of two unlikely friends from opposing sides of war encourages viewers to conquer their enemies with love.
Sing His Praise Worship Intro
Hyper Pixels Media
Using selected scripture from Psalm 68, this worship intro video will prepare the hearts of your people for praise and worship.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A modern musical and visual take on the traditional hymn of praise.
This mini-movie is filled with illustrations of the Old Testament heroes of the faith, this brief mini movies emphasizes the big idea that God still tells his story through those who live by faith.
This fun and fast-paced Labor Day mini-movie reminds us that our attitude toward our job matters to God. The scripture teaches us that we are called to work with our whole hearts, as unto God.
When we focus too much on the screen and too little on what’s happening around us, we might miss out on some of life’s most beautiful moments.
Free Indeed (Independence Day)
Centerline New Media
Every year on July 4th we get together and celebrate our nation’s independence. But in John 8:31-36, Jesus talks of a different freedom. One that can only be found in Him.
America's Christian Heritage
Hyper Pixels Media
Our nation was built on Christian values by our founding fathers who had a strong Christian faith. This video features several quotes that demonstrate their beliefs,......
The Word On Freedom
Steelehouse Media Group
While freedom is a value we hold as people and nations, its fullest and most liberating expression comes from God.