Where would you be without the hope of Easter? All of us know people who have not yet experienced this redemption and hope. We all know people who need to hear about Jesus this Easter. Jesus' death and resurrection was for them. But, how will they hear if no one goes? This Easter, encourage your church to invite friends and family to come hear the Good News. Easter is resurrection, redemption, and hope. Please share it. Help your church re-focus on outreach and evangelism with this Easter Invite mini-movie.
The truth of the Gospel is that God loves you unconditionally! Unfortunately, we try to complicate things by trying to earn what we can never actually earn. This motion graphic piece beautifully illustrates the simplicity of the Gospel and points people to the love of Jesus.
Jesus said that one commandment was greater than all the others: To love. Love God, love your neighbor, even love your enemies. It was a commandment with no exceptions. A perfect mini-movie for any sermon on the topic of love. Based on Matthew 5:43-48, John 13:34-35, and Mark 12:29-30.
Love is what the world seeks in all the wrong places. But, true love is an action, not a feeling. It's found in sacrifice, not selfishness. It is patient, not demanding. Doesn't hurt others, but casts out fear. Real love was born in a stable and seen at the cross. True love carries us through the highs and the lows. True love is Jesus.
Combining several favorite scriptures about love (1 John 4:16, John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 13, 1 John 4:11), this fresh mini-movie features voices and languages from across the world. It reminds us that God’s love is for the whole world, not just the part of it that we see. Perfect for a message about Valentine’s Day, Love, Salvation, Community
Though my enemies are many You will protect me. You are my deliverer. Based on Psalm 3, this mini-movie is set to colorful, modern visuals and energetic music, making this a perfect intro for a time of worship.
The biggest question we can answer in the pro-life vs pro-choice debate is, "What is the origin of life?" Psalm 119:73 states, "Your hands have made and fashioned me." God plans and creates every human life in His likeness. Every life is sacred because God is the Author of life.
At Christmas, we celebrate the greatest miracle of all. The miracle of God coming to us as a tiny baby, yet a King. Immanuel, God with us, yet an infant. The one who spoke everything into existence laid in a lowly manger. This powerful video uses a stirring rendition of Carol of the Bells and 3d animations to tell the Christmas story. The Good News that is for all people, that the Messiah has come. He is Savior of the world.
Hear the angels declare, hear the Earth proclaim, a savior has come! With beautiful Christmas visuals and inspiring backing music, this mini-movie is a perfect call to worship for any Christmas or Christmas Eve service.
How often do we consider the implications of what we believe about the very first Christmas? God’s original Christmas gift to us was immeasurably more than anything we could ever imagine. When you really stop to think about it, no miracle we seek is beyond hope.
This dark and moody intro features the many names of Jesus on display with a simple white cross. Perfect to begin your weekly services or introduce the message for the day.
Independence Day is the perfect time to lift our nation in prayer. 2 Chronicles 7:14 commands God's people to humble themselves, pray, seek God's face, and turn from their sin. God's promise, when these things happen, is that He will heal our land. Healing, unity, hope, and revival can only come to America through His power!
Designed for an Easter service, this video features a haunting and then triumphant version of “Were You There” by Aaron Strumpel. Detailed black-and-white sketches give way to an unexpected explosion of color at as the sun rises on Resurrection Sunday.