Whether you are live streaming your entire worship service or simply prerecording the message, this bumper video will help get your church online. Its 3d design will assist you in bridging the gap between church, technology, and streaming your services online. This bumper is part of a collection called Online Church Theme Pack Vol 1 (sold separately).
Even though church seems a little different right now, God’s word hasn’t changed, and God’s love hasn’t changed. Perfect to begin your online church service or livestream event. Based on Isaiah 40:8 and Hebrews 13:8
It's no doubt that Coronavirus is going to make this a very different Mother's Day. With social distancing and so many restaurant closings, Covid 19 will change the way we honor Moms on this Mother's Day. Although we can not control this horrific situation, we can control how we respond to it. Use this powerful Mother's Day video to remind mothers just how vital strong moms are in times like these. Remind them that they are loved and appreciated. But, most of all, remind them that they are daughters of the King. And, ultimately, He will carry us through this difficult time.
Whether you get to tell them face to face or only through the video chat, it’s a good time to say “thanks mom!” Thank you for loving us through it all. This colorful, upbeat mini movie is perfect for Mother’s Day.
Share this powerful reminder that we can still rejoice in the middle of life's storms and struggles. In times of uncertainty, it can be easy to live in fear and forget to look to God, but when the worry takes over, that’s the time we should turn and raise our voices, praising God for all His faithfulness.
This mini movie/sermon bumper is a call to ask God to make this streaming service more than just a video and to unite His scattered people in love for each other and praise for Him.
We’ve updated one of our most popular mini-movies ever!
Of all the profound events that marked the life of Christ, He only commanded us to remember one: His death. Why? This powerfully dramatic video provides a philosophical and Scriptural perspective to that question, one that will leave a memorable and emotional impact on your Easter service.
Because the stone rolled away, we have been redeemed. Because the tomb was empty, we have been made new. Because He is risen, we call Heaven our home. Use this powerful mini-movie to celebrate the powerful resurrection of Jesus!
Use this powerful video to honor frontline workers, who have sacrificed so much during the coronavirus pandemic. Let us show appreciation to those who carried on, when the world stayed home. These essential workers kept going for the good of others, through great uncertainty. They reported for duty when they were needed the most, through exhaustion, sweat, and tears. Thank you to our everyday heroes on the frontline.
On Memorial Day, we honor those who gave all, putting aside self and leaving loved ones behind. They were willing to give everything, because freedom is worth fighting for. A nation "under God" is worth sacrifice. So, on this Memorial Day, we mourn with the families of the fallen. On this Memorial Day, we remember the courage given, so we could enjoy freedom. Use this powerful video on Memorial Day during your sermon, or during a special time set aside during the service, to honor our fallen heroes.