It’s inevitable. Darkness creeps in and reminds us that the enemy is near and it can make us feel like there is no way out. When that fire comes, and it will, we must remember what Power lives in us. God is faithful and he is with us, regardless of what might shake us now or what trials and tribulations await in our future. Use this powerful message to uplift, inspire and encourage your congregation.
Due to popular demand, we've created a year-round version of our best-selling New Year's video! This encouraging service opener reminds us that, no matter how things have gone so far, God always has new mercies and fresh starts. Great for seasons of new beginnings, such as back to school! Also includes a version without text at the end.
You can read every book and take every class, but nothing prepares you for motherhood like the school of life. From the joy of teaching children how to walk with Jesus to the stress of teaching a teenager to drive, every mom can look back and think of things she wishes she’d known. Your purchase also includes a version without “Happy Mother’s Day” at the end.
Jesus was revolutionary in his time. He was also dangerous to the those in power. It seemed as though his death would be the end of him... but he was just getting started. Perfect for Easter.
As a willing sacrifice, Jesus endured great suffering on Good Friday, to pay the penalty for our transgressions. Thru powerful music and visuals, this mini-movie prepares your congregation for Good Friday and the heart-wrenching events that took place on that day.
Before someone arrives at your worship service, their attention is pulled in many different directions. Between getting ready for church, feeding the dog, getting the kids ready, and fighting with traffic, most people walk into the church service frazzled and in a daze, just trying to catch their breath. This upbeat worship intro (service opener) will redirect your church’s attention away from life’s distractions and help them focus on worshipping God. Help your congregation to worship with all their heart, all their mind, and all their strength.
"It's time again to bring a blessing to our God." Using time-lapse nature footage and hand-crafted text, this meditation on 1 Peter 1:1-9 celebrates our God and His grace to us in Christ.
Often, we talk about all of the things that we LOVE, when truly, what we mean is that we really LIKE them. Love What Matters is an encouragement to be mindful of the casual way that we tend to use our words, as well as a reminder to express our love to the people who mean the most in our lives.
"What if we said thank you for what we’d miss the most? For what we’d give first to those who live without?" This brief Thanksgiving video uses humor and warmth to remind us to give thanks for the gifts others in the world don't take for granted. Use with matching Thanksgiving Table Collection visuals!