"My heart was a rock." Using only construction paper and stop-motion animation, this simple video tells the story of a heart transformed from stone into one that beats for God and those he loves.
God doesn’t need us. He is not dependent on anyone or anything. But what is amazing is that he loves us, and wants to commune with us, and wants us to be a part of what he is doing. It's his invitation, his initiative alone. Based on Acts 17:24, 25.
A Prayer to Guide Us is a great mini movie from Centerline New Media to emphasize seeking comfort through prayer. Based on the Prayer of St. Francis, this mini-movie reminds us of the importance of seeking to comfort rather than to be comforted, to understand than to be understood, and to love than to be loved.
The Sanctity of Life, more specifically the sanctity of life from conception to birth is a difficult and tragic subject today. This video is a collection of thoughts and challenging quotes from important individuals known and unknown that grapple with the subject.
Start the New Year off right with A Prayer for the New Year from Centerline New Media. Based on the Prayer of St. Francis, this mini-movie reminds us of the importance of seeking to comfort rather than to be comforted, to understand than to be understood, and to love than to be loved.
From the beginning of time, God had a plan for the first Christmas. This fast-paced video takes a look at the purpose behind Christmas and our need for a Savior.
Thankfulness is more than a gesture; it's an expression of our character. Our perspective must be bigger than ourselves, we must know our history, and acknowledge our dependence on God.