A prayer to God to comfort and give strength to those whose loved ones have died serving their country. Beginning with Matthew 5:4 and featuring historical military footage...
Christmas can be a very chaotic time of year. Especially when we loose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. It is also one of the best times of the year to invite visitors to your church.
A Perfect Mess Motion Graphics video discusses God's brilliant plan of bringing perfection into our mess, and demonstrates that the Christmas story was both perfect and messy at the same time.
A Perfect Mess Christmas Illustration discusses God's brilliant plan of bringing perfection into our mess, and demonstrates that the Christmas story was both perfect and messy at the same time.
This Christmas season, encourage your congregation to make their giving count and be more intentional about meeting the needs of people in your community with this short film.
The Real Night Before Christmas, shows how most of us can relate to a child's anticipation on the night before Christmas, excited about the next morning's gifts.
La Navidad es uno de los momentos menos desafiantes para invitar a las personas a la iglesia. Use esta dulce y conmovedora mini película para alentar a su comunidad a invitar a sus amigos y compañeros de trabajo a la iglesia en Navidad.
All of us have a tendency to take for granted the small things in life. We focus on the things we want instead of the incredible ways that God has blessed us.
It’s easy to resort to a safe, comfortable life. And for those times when we feel God is calling us to something more, we are filled with fear and doubt.
Welcome your congregation to church with this opening prayer of blessing. This worship intro asks God to move the spirits of all who are present, whether they are lost or believers, into their next steps in their walk with Jesus.
Como adultos, es muy fácil tomarnos a nosotros mismos demasiado en serio. "Joy Ride" nos conecta con la alegría de nuestra juventud. Se nos recuerda que Dios nos da la oportunidad de disfrutar todos los días, solo tenemos que participar. Perfecto para una introducción de adoración o para conducir a un mensaje.