Mini Movies
Heroes Inspiration
Steelehouse Media Group
The most defining trait of a hero is sacrifice. This stirring collection of quotes speaks to the character of our heroes - and the ultimate sacrifices they make.
A Memorial Day Prayer
Centerline New Media
A prayer to God to comfort and give strength to those whose loved ones have died serving their country. Beginning with Matthew 5:4 and featuring historical military footage...
Beauty Sleep
Journey Box Media
“Spring Forward Sunday” is one of the most dreaded weeks for many churches as many people come in late.
Based on Deuteronomy 30:15. We have many options before us, what will you choose? Life or Death?
Christ's death on the cross is both history's biggest sacrifice and greatest injustice, the ultimate act of love by Love Himself. Preparing our hearts to fathom our Savior's sacrifice is what Lent - and this video, with music by The Brilliance - is all about.
Love Comes To Life
Centerline New Media
Love. Is it only an emotion? Just a plot in a movie? Or just something we sing about? Not even close. This mini-movie reminds us that love is action. (Based on Ephesians 5:1-2 and Luke 6:27-28.)
We Celebrate Our Graduates
Hyper Pixels Media
Say "Congratulations" and celebrate graduation with this video of inspiring quotes from beloved and successful figures, past and present. In May and June, students leave high schools, colleges, and universities across the nation, ready to embark on a brand-new beginning.
Mother's Day Honor
Centerline New Media
Using Exodus 20, John 19:26-27 and Proverbs 31:31, this Mother's Day mini-movie shows the importance God places on honoring our moms.
The Value Of A Mom
Steelehouse Media Group
Mom's don't earn a paycheck. But what if they did? Using a recent salary survey, this video shows in detail just how much a Mother's job is worth.
Happy Mother's Day
Hyper Pixels Media
What makes a great mother? Our Mother's Day video answers that question by pointing out each wonderful part of the amazing woman we call "Mom."
Angel Song Starter
Shift Worship
This mini movie starter pictures the angels as a star field of light and asks us to hear their words to the shepherds anew and praise the God who sent the Savior here.
Romanos 8 ofrece un gran estímulo para aquellos de nosotros en Cristo. Este simple video, lo sé, nos recuerda que no importa lo que nuestros sentimientos nos digan en el momento, podemos estar convencidos de nuestro lugar con Él y su amor por nosotros.
Este sencillo iniciador de adoración se hace eco de la llamada del Salmo 95 para alabar en voz alta y gozosa a la Roca de nuestra salvación, el Rey sobre todos los dioses, mientras nos preparamos para postrarnos en adoración ante nuestro Hacedor. Salmos 95 es la versión en español de Psalm 95.
Con Mi Cuerpo Adorare
Shift Worship
Con Mi Cuerpo Adorare se basa en Romanos 12: 1. "Un Cuerpo de Adoración" nos recuerda que nuestros cuerpos deben ser sacrificios vivos a Dios. Este es nuestro acto espiritual de adoración.
Este rápido sermón sobre cómo usamos nuestras palabras nos pide que paremos y tomemos Efesios 4:29 en serio, y luego desafiamos al espectador a ser el primero en rechazar el uso de palabras que no ayudan a los que están escuchando. Efesios 4:29 es la versión en español de Efesios 4:29. Con todas las imágenes en español también.