Mini Movies

Mini Movies

Mini Movies


Endless Seasons Ahead
Journey Box Media

What does success look like for a high school or college graduate? This endearing prayer is perfect to celebrate and honor your graduates and is inspired by the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. A blessing spoken over visuals of graduates posing for their cap and gown portraits. Purchase also includes a version without text.


She Is Yours
Hyper Pixels Media

Mothers are a wonderful gift, given by God to care for you, provide for you, and teach you. She is yours. She is there to love you thru the ups and downs, guiding and praying. A forever friend that is always cheering you on. This Mother's Day, celebrate and honor the mothers in your church with this inspiring mini-movie. It's design combines beautiful pastel watercolor elements, ink-drop effects, and 3d camera moves. Celebrate their endless sacrifice and their unconditional love. Let's do our part to make sure she has a happy Mother's Day.


Have A Groovy Father's Day
Hyper Pixels Media

Blast to the past and encourage the Dads in your church with this far out flick from the 70's. This fun and outta sight mini-movie will will make sure that they have a groovy Father's Day. Dads may not be great at asking for directions, but they do a wonderful job of teaching us right from wrong. This Father's Day, honor the men in your church and inspire them to stay groovy.


Pentecost Sunday
Hyper Pixels Media

In Acts 2, we read the incredible account of the day of Pentecost, when the disciples and other believers were filled with the Holy Spirit. In this story, we see tongues of fire resting on the disciples. We see Peter preaching to the crowd and reading prophecy from the book of Joel. And, we see three thousand accepting his message and being baptized. But, just as amazing, is the fact that God is still pouring out His Spirit on His people today! He comforts us, guides us, and empowers us to share the Good News.


Worship Through Psalms (Psalm 103)
Centerline New Media

Based on Psalm 103, this mini-movie is part of the "Worship Through Psalms" series that's great to start your service or as part of your worship set.


A Prayer For Independence Day
Hyper Pixels Media

The 4th of July (Independence Day) is a great time to remind your congregation to lift up our nation in prayer. We should give thanks to God for the blessing of living in a free country. But, we should also admit to Him our dependence on His grace and mercy, as well as lifting up prayers for America's healing.


Mom Life
Journey Box Media

Every mom knows: labor doesn’t end in the delivery room- in fact, that’s only the beginning. This video is a warm reminder from moms to moms that, even when she feels unnoticed and under-appreciated, God sees all the ways a mom loves her children in the ordinary, but holy, aspects of everyday life.


Shout Hosanna
Hyper Pixels Media

Zechariah 9:9 states, "See, your King comes to you." On Palm Sunday, Jesus came to Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The people shouted His praises. However, Jesus wept, because they couldn't see that their King had come. They wanted to be saved, but they couldn't see the Savior before them. This Palm Sunday, let us shout to Hosanna and let us open our eyes to see Jesus as our Savior and Lord.


Centerline New Media

Nacerá sin celebración alguna, en el lugar más humilde imaginado; sin embargo nacerá para cambiar el mundo para siempre. Celebra el nacimiento de Jesús en tus servicios de Navidad o Noche Buena con una chispa diferente. Basado en Lucas 1:32 y Lucas 2:11, este mini-movie es perfecto para comenzar un tiempo de adoración o una ilustración para el sermón de tus servicios de Diciembre.


Centerline New Media

Born with no fanfare, in the humblest of settings; and yet born to change the world forever. Celebrate the birth of Jesus with this service starter for your Christmas or Christmas Eve gatherings. Using scripture from Luke 1:31 and Luke 2:11, this mini-movie works great as a worship intro or sermon illustration for your December services.


A Great Light
Shift Worship

Three children in dire circumstances prepare for an honored guest. Set to the text of Isaiah 9, this mini movie encourages us to wonder anew at the strange and beautiful arrival of our Savior. A good fit for any Christmas service, especially Christmas Eve.


The Way In A Manger
Journey Box Media

From seven different perspectives comes the story of one baby whose arrival would forever change the world. The Way in a Manger is perfect for connecting your congregation with the reality of the birth of Christ, as told by Simeon, Joseph, Herod, the Magi, the Innkeeper, Mary, and a Shepherd. Purchase includes a .zip file of various still images from the video for your use.


A Christmas Prayer
Shift Worship

Using stylized illustrations and reflective music, this Christmas prayer asks God for strength to have the faith of Mary, joy to be astonished as the shepherds, humility to be as selfless as the wise men, and courage to walk the Savior's path. An appropriate fit for any Christmas service.


What Do You See? (Christmas Illustration)
Creative Sheep

What do you see when you picture Christmas? Different people see different things. This video illustration explores the different sides of Christmas and points to what God sees. Whether it is used as an service opener or a message illustration, this video is perfect for reaching all types of people in your congregation.


Prayer And Thanks
Centerline New Media

Using scriptural examples from Daniel 6:10 and Philippians 4:6, this mini-movie explores the inseparable connection between prayer and thanksgiving. Great for services around the Thanksgiving Holiday or any sermon dealing with the topics of prayer and thankfulness.

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