With powerful music and graphics, this intense Easter worship intro illustrates Jesus’ suffering of the cross and His death on Good Friday. But, that’s not the end of the story. The climax of the video exclaims the amazing resurrection of Christ.
In this Valentine Edition of the animated "Very Special" series, children talk about valentines, romance, and each other (gross!) but also about what love truly is - and how to show it to others.
How churches worship may vary from one congregation to the next, but Who we worship is our great unifier. The Word declares that we worship the Lord in spirit and in truth...
Start your service by letting visitors know that they are welcome and let everyone know what your church is all about. This fun and contemporary "Welcome To Church" video reminds us that Jesus is the center of everything we do as a church.
Welcome newcomers to your church with this fun and upbeat mini-movie. A creative way to make guests feel comfortable and communicate who you are as a church and what you believe.
We have a natural tendency to label and categorize everything in our lives, including the people around us. But those labels can divide us within the Kingdom, instead of unifying us. More than a Label reminds us to reject the labels so that we can see God in each other.
Come let us sing for joy to the Lord our Maker. Psalm 95 is set to beautiful images of creation and energetic music, making this a perfect intro for a time of worship.
In our day and time, many find themselves overwhelmed by the rat race. As our busy schedules pull us from one direction to the next, we ask the question, “Am I supposed to feel so tired and burnt-out all the time?” Well, the book of Genesis reminds us that God made all of creation in six days, then on the seventh day He rested. God didn’t need the rest, but we certainly need to learn from His example.
Have you ever felt let down by love? Hearts get broken, as promises are broken. But, God always keeps His promises. He sees you, hears you, and loves you. And, God calls us to love as He loves. How can we love when we might get hurt? We love each other because He loved us first. Use this mini-movie at your next Valentine's Banquet. It would also make a great introduction to a message on the topic of love for Valentine's Day.
The truth is, most of us really aren't that great at sharing our faith and many of us have never even invited an unchurched person to church. But we can change those stats. Use this mini-movie to encourage your congregation to invite people to church this Sunday.
Based on select scripture from Psalm 145, this powerful worship intro will help prepare your congregation for worship. Designed using elegant ink drop mattes and beautiful black and white photographs, this worship intro will make a great opener for your worship service. Let us prepare our hearts for worship, because “Great is the Lord”!
Based on the beloved hymn “Be Thou My Vision,” this mini movie will encourage your congregation to reflect on what it means to focus on the One who is our light. Consider showing the mini movie then singing the song together.
This world has a very unhealthy view of love. But, Jesus told His disciples, “A new command I give to you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Jesus is our example of what love should be. And, because God loves us, we can love our friends, neighbors, and even our enemies. Use this uplifting mini-movie before Valentine’s Day or anytime you are preaching on the topic of “love”. It will also work great during your Valentine’s Banquet or any other special Valentine’s Day program.
With a focus on how marriage is intended by God as a picture of his love for the church in Christ, this brief worship starter is appropriate for Valentines season, wedding and anniversary events or any emphasis on marriage and the love of God for his bride.