Join with the angels’ song. Proclaim the newborn king. Let everyone know the good news: Jesus Christ is born! Based on a familiar Christmas song and Luke 2:10-12.
Calm and bright / A holy sight / Of God’s love made flesh / On this silent night
This mini-movie is a perfect transition into Playback Media’s worship track, Silent Night.
Love, Joy, Peace and Hope… these are four facets of the Christmas season that we could all use a little bit more of this year! Give the gift of a changed life this Christmas with the Come and Adore: Christmas Invite so they, too, can “come and adore Him.”
Use this powerful video to honor frontline workers, who have sacrificed so much during the coronavirus pandemic. Let us show appreciation to those who carried on, when the world stayed home. These essential workers kept going for the good of others, through great uncertainty. They reported for duty when they were needed the most, through exhaustion, sweat, and tears. Thank you to our everyday heroes on the frontline.
On Memorial Day, we honor those who gave all, putting aside self and leaving loved ones behind. They were willing to give everything, because freedom is worth fighting for. A nation "under God" is worth sacrifice. So, on this Memorial Day, we mourn with the families of the fallen. On this Memorial Day, we remember the courage given, so we could enjoy freedom. Use this powerful video on Memorial Day during your sermon, or during a special time set aside during the service, to honor our fallen heroes.
This simple mini movie was built for kids, but it works for all ages. It's a simplified version of Colossians 1:15-19, maybe the best description in the Bible of who Jesus Christ truly is.
America is hurting from virus, death, hardship, and loss. Our nation is fighting for justice and equality. Our nation is breaking from division and anger. But, God is still God and He can bring healing to our land. He can bring unity and reconciliation to America.