Views: 4968
Description: Basado en la cita de Jesús en Lucas 5:31, Enfermo, la versión en español de Sick, es una llamada de atención visualmente interesante para todos los seguidores de Cristo. ¿Estamos ignorando a los que están fuera de la iglesia? Incluye una versión de bonificación sin ningún texto al final.
English Translation: Based on Jesus’s quote in Luke 5:31, Enfermo, the Spanish version of Sick, is a visually intriguing wake-up call for all followers of Christ. Are we ignoring those outside the church? Includes a bonus version without any text at the end. Also available in English: SICK
English Translation: Based on Jesus’s quote in Luke 5:31, Enfermo, the Spanish version of Sick, is a visually intriguing wake-up call for all followers of Christ. Are we ignoring those outside the church? Includes a bonus version without any text at the end. Also available in English: SICK
Journey Box Media
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