Views: 13513
Description: Abrimos nuestros ojos para ver Su gloria, abrimos nuestros oídos para escuchar Su voz y nuestras bocas para cantar Sus alabanzas.
English Translation: We open our eyes to see His glory, our ears to hear His voice, our hearts to receive His love, and our mouths to sing His praises. This mini-movie works great as an introduction to a time of worship and coordinates perfectly with Service Pack: Volume 12. Also available in English: "Open"
English Translation: We open our eyes to see His glory, our ears to hear His voice, our hearts to receive His love, and our mouths to sing His praises. This mini-movie works great as an introduction to a time of worship and coordinates perfectly with Service Pack: Volume 12. Also available in English: "Open"
Centerline New Media
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