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Description: It was Friday Afternoon and Jesus is Dead. This wasn't how it was supposed to be... the Hope of mankind overcome by powers of hell... by the shadow of a grave. But, instead of killing the Messiah, the cross has become a canvas for salvation. The hole that was meant to serve as an instrument of shame and death was instead filled with an instrument to bring healing and new life. That’s the way God is! Nothing is impossible with Him. He takes what is evil and turns it for Good. He has the power to take our graves and turn them into gardens. Use this new video made in collaboration with Media That Matters to share the Good News! Your download includes 2 different versions of the video in the key of G and key of B. This can also serve as an intro to the lyric video for "Graves Into Gardens" from Playback Media (available in the key of B).

Graves Into Gardens Spoken Word

Playback Media


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